


Bocadillo is now UNMAINTAINED. This repository should be archived soon. We recommend users to migrate to other well-supported alternatives, such as Starlette or FastAPI. Please see #334 for more information.

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Documentation: https://bocadilloproject.github.io

Bocadillo is a Python async web framework that makes building performant and highly concurrent web APIs fun and accessible to everyone.


Python 3.6+


pip install bocadillo


from bocadillo import App, configure

app = App()

async def index(req, res):
    res.json = {"hello": "world"}

Save this as app.py, then start a uvicorn server (hot reload enabled!):

uvicorn app:app --reload

Say hello!

$ curl http://localhost:8000
{"hello": "world"}

Ready to dive in? Visit the documentation site.


All changes to Bocadillo are recorded in the changelog. To see what's coming in the next release, read the Unreleased section.

Release notes may also be published as blog posts on Bocadillo News.


Found a bug? A typo? Want to help build a new feature? We'd love to see your contributions! There are also many ways to contribute that don't include code: helping with issues, laying out new ideas, improving docs, etc.

Check out the Contributing guide to get started.

By the way, here is the Bocadillo Contributor Hall of Fame. 👨‍💻👩‍💻


Logo designed by Florimond Manca. Sandwich icon designed by macrovector.