


Java Build Java Build

This is a library for adding the following dialogs to an application using RSyntaxTextArea as an editor:

Searching support is fully featured - regex searches, match case, whole word, searching forward and backward, mark all occurrences. Note that the actual searching functionality is handled in the RSyntaxTextArea project itself (see its SearchEngine class); this library just wraps that functionality in a UI.

Available in the Maven Central repository (com.fifesoft:rstaui:XXX). SNAPSHOT builds of the in-development, unreleased version are hosted on Sonatype.

RSTAUI is available under a modified BSD license. For more information, visit http://bobbylight.github.io/RSyntaxTextArea/.


RSTAUI is built using Gradle. To compile the source, run all tests, and build the distribution jar, simply change into the project directory and run:

gradlew build --warning-mode all

Example Usage

A very simple example can be found in the RSTAUIDemoApp class included in this project.

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