


ViconMAVLink is an application to provide indoor positioning for networked robots using Vicon motion capture measurements. It is primarily used in the Intellegent Robotics Lab at the University of Illinois as a tool to simulate indoor GPS for Linux-based autonomous vehicles, such that you can operate autonomous vehicles indoors:

A fleet of UAVs flying with simulated GPS:

<img src="figs/launching.gif" width="600" align="center">

Heterogeneous autonomous vehicles controlled via tablet groundcontrol:

<img src="figs/indoorGPS.gif" width="600" align="center">


ViconMAVLink uses the following libraries:

As long as you have all required libraries added to the Qt project file. This application can be built for multiple platforms in QtCreator.

User's Guide

You can run this app directly on the Vicon server computer or on any other computers as long as they are in the same network as the Vicon server computer. After you launch the application, the main window will appear. But, the capture objects list is empty because you haven't connected to Vicon yet.

To connect to Vicon: Click Menu->Connect Vicon then objects that are captured by Vicon will appear in the Captured Objects List.

<img src="figs/main_window_connect.gif" width="400">

To launch a sender for a robot: Choose an object then Click Start a MavLink Sender, the Sender's window appears. After you start sending data, the Rate slider is still adjustable to change the sending rate on-the-fly.

<img src="figs/sender_window_connect.gif" width="400">

You may launch multiple senders for a fleet of robots:

<img src="figs/fleet.gif" width="400">

Developer's Guide

The Station object will launch a separate thread to communicate with Vicon. A Writer/Reader lock is used to synchronize data. The Station object is the writer and Sender objects are the readers who fetch raw measurement from the Station. The raw measurement includes position (unit: mm) and a quarternion encapsulated in a mavlink_att_pos_mocap_t object. Since Vicon does not output velocities, the Sender uses a linear Kalman filter to compute a mavlink_local_position_ned_t object with positions and velocities. The GPS_HIL data is then computed with the local position object. The Station and Sender objects and windows use the Model-View-Controller pattern.