


A responsive web mapping utility for viewing and sharing GeoJSON files. Designed to be an incredibly simple and lightweight tool for quickly standing up a basic mapping application without having to write any code. Maps can be shared, embedded, and added to your mobile homescreen. Use geojson.io or any other modern mapping tool to generate your GeoJSON, place it on a web server, push it to GitHub, or save it as a Gist and quickly wrap it up as a responsive web app.



URL Parameters:

srcWeb accessible GeoJSONNAURL to GeoJSON sourceTrue
titleAny stringGeoJSON Datanavbar, app titleFalse
logoAny accessible URLNAURL to a custom navbar logoFalse
title_fieldAny valid propertyFirst propertyField used for marker/sidebar titleFalse
fieldsAny valid propertiesAllComma separated list of specific properties to showFalse
attributionAny stringNASource attribution added to text in bottom right of mapFalse
clustertrue / falseTrueShould markers be clustered?False


Desktop Points

Desktop 1

Desktop Polygons

Desktop 2

Mobile Map

Mobile 1

Mobile Sidebar

Mobile 2

Mobile Popup

Mobile 3