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Blynk is a unique IoT platform for connecting any hardware to the cloud, designing apps to control them, and managing your deployed products at scale.

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Blynk Arduino Library

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Quickstart: Arduino + Ethernet shield

When you are connected - check the included examples on how to use different types of connections (transports) and explore Blynk features. You can combine any example for your hardware + transport + features.

Documentation and other helpful links

The list of supported hardware - supported boards, Ethernet, WiFi, Cellular...
Full Blynk Documentation - a complete guide on Blynk features
Community (Forum) - join a 500,000 Blynk community to ask questions and share ideas
Code Examples Browser - browse examples to explore Blynk possibilities
Official Website

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Blynk libraries for other platforms

Libraries by community


We accept contributions from our community: stability bugfixes, new hardware support, or any other improvements.
Here is a list of what you could help with.


This project is released under The MIT License (MIT)