


This script randomizes Cobalt Strike Malleable C2 profiles through the use of a metalanguage, hopefully reducing the chances of flagging signature-based detection controls. In short, the script parses the provided template, substitutes the variables for a random value from either a provided or built-in wordlist, tests the new template with c2lint, and (if there are no c2lint errors) outputs the new Malleable C2 profile.

Sample Malleable C2 profiles that are compatible with this script can be found in the Sample Templates directory of this repo.

For more about this script, check out my blog post Randomized Malleable C2 Profiles Made Easy.

Table of Contents

Script Syntax

python malleable-c2-randomizer.py [-h] -profile PROFILE
                                  [-count COUNT]
                                  [-cobalt COBALT]
                                  [-output OUTPUT]
                                  [-charset CHARSET]
                                  [-wordlist WORDLIST]
                                  [-useragent USERAGENT]
                                  [-spawnto SPAWNTO]
                                  [-pipename PIPENAME]
                                  [-pipename_stager PIPENAME_STAGER]
                                  [-dns_stager_subhost DNS_STAGER_SUBHOST]

Basic Options

-profile, -pPath to the Malleable C2 template to randomize (REQUIRED)
-count, -cThe number of randomized profiles to create {Default = 1}
-cobalt, -dThe directory where Cobalt Strike is located (for c2lint) {Default = current directory}
-output, -oOutput base name {Default = template basename and random string}
-notest, -nSkip testing with c2lint (Flag)

Custom Wordlists

If no wordlist is provided, a built-in list will be used by default. For more information about creating these lists, see below or the Sample Wordlists folder in this repo.

-charsetFile with a custom characterset to use with the %%customchar%% variable
-wordlistFile with a list of custom words to use with the %%word%% variable
-useragentFile with a list of useragents
-spawntoFile with a list of custom spawnto processes
-pipenameFile with a list of custom pipename values
-pipename_stagerFile with a list of custom pipename_stager values
-dns_stager_subhostFile with a list of custom dns_stager_subhost values
-dns_stager_prependFile with a list of custom dns_stager_prepend values

Most of these wordlist variables are directly related to Malleable C2 options. For more information about what these profile options do, check out the official documentation.

Substitution Metalanguage

The substitution metalanguage comprises specific variables, some of which allow optional repetition counts, wrapped in double percentage signs, like so:


As another example, the following variable will result in 20 alphanumeric characters:


List of Variables

VariableDescriptionSupports Count?
alphanumericOutputs a random mixed-case ascii letter or digitYes
alphanumspecialOutputs a random mixed-case ascii letter, digit, or punctuationYes
alphanumspecialurlOutputs a random mixed-case ascii letter, digit, or one of the following characters: -._~Yes
alphaupperOutputs a random uppercase ascii letterYes
alphalowerOutputs a random lowercase ascii letterYes
alphauppernumberOutputs a random uppercase ascii letter or digitYes
alphalowernumberOutputs a random lowercase ascii letter or digitYes
alphaOutputs a random ascii letterYes
numberOutputs a random digitYes
hexOutputs a random hexadecimal digitYes
netbiosOutputs a random mixed-case ascii letter, digit, or one of the following characters: !@#$%^&)(.-'_{}~Yes
customMaps to a random character in the provided charset fileYes
wordOutputs a random word from the provided or built-in wordlistYes
booleanOutputs a 'True' or 'False'Yes
useragentOutputs a random useragent from the provided or built-in listNo
spawnto_x86Outputs a random x86 process path from the provided or built-in listNo
spawnto_x64Outputs a random x64 process path from the provided or built-in listNo
pipenameOutputs a random pipename from the provided or built-in listNo
pipename_stagerOutputs a random pipename_stager from the provided or built-in listNo
dns_stager_subhostOutputs a random dns_stager_subhost from the provided or built-in listNo
dns_stager_prependOutputs a random dns_stager_prepend from the provided or built-in listNo

Building Wordlists

Wordlist files are simply line-separated, tab-separated, or continuous strings (depending on the wordlist type) place in a text file.

The following wordlists should be line-separated with each entry on a new line:

The spawnto wordlist is a bit more complicated. Malleable C2 requires an x86 and x64 option to modify all process spawning. Therefore, each line of the wordlist should contain both the x86 and x64 process paths separated by a tab, with the x86 process listed first. For example:

%windir%\\syswow64\\eventvwr.exe	%windir%\\sysnative\\eventvwr.exe

It's important to note that the syswow64 and sysnative strings in the process paths should be lowercase.

The final wordlist type is the custom characterset. This file should include any characters for the script to randomly substitute. For example, a charset file of AEIOUY and a variable of %%custom:5%% will output five random characters from the charset string. When building this characterset, bear in mind that some characters are prohibited from appearing in a URI and may interfere with Beacon's communications.

For sample wordlists, see the Sample Wordlists directory in this repo.

Example Template and Output

Here is a snippet from a modified Amazon profile:

# This profile has been modified to use with the Malleable C2 Profile Randomizer

# Amazon browsing traffic profile
# Author: @harmj0y

set sleeptime "%%number:2%%00";
set jitter    "1%%number%%";
set maxdns    "24%%number%%";
set useragent "%%useragent%%";

http-get {

    set uri "/s/ref=nb_sb_noss_1/%%number:3%%-%%number:8%%-%%number:7%%/field-keywords=%%word%%";

    client {

        header "Accept" "*/*";
        header "Host" "www.amazon.com";

        metadata {
            prepend "session-token=";
            prepend "skin=noskin;";
            append "csm-hit=s-%%alphanumeric:20%%|%%number:13%%";
            header "Cookie";

And here is two sets of output from the same profile:

# This profile has been modified to use with the Malleable C2 Profile Randomizer

# Amazon browsing traffic profile
# Author: @harmj0y

set sleeptime "5600";
set jitter    "19";
set maxdns    "244";
set useragent "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64; rv:40.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/40.1";

http-get {

    set uri "/s/ref=nb_sb_noss_1/818-61846941-6716865/field-keywords=number";

    client {

        header "Accept" "*/*";
        header "Host" "www.amazon.com";

        metadata {
            prepend "session-token=";
            prepend "skin=noskin;";
            append "csm-hit=s-UXnlEVYWc36qEuDMFPzW|2872195700726";
            header "Cookie";
# This profile has been modified to use with the Malleable C2 Profile Randomizer

# Amazon browsing traffic profile
# Author: @harmj0y

set sleeptime "7400";
set jitter    "19";
set maxdns    "246";
set useragent "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; WOW64)";

http-get {

    set uri "/s/ref=nb_sb_noss_1/684-10075672-1686806/field-keywords=year";

    client {

        header "Accept" "*/*";
        header "Host" "www.amazon.com";

        metadata {
            prepend "session-token=";
            prepend "skin=noskin;";
            append "csm-hit=s-ub5oBmGd0pnDoImCjDyK|2539750656854";
            header "Cookie";

Further Resources