

Kubernetes Grid Carbon Intensity metrics exporter

This is a metrics exporter useful for Prometheus in combination with kepler and is is part of the Carbon Aware Computing Project. Data is available for Europe - for more information see the Github Repository.

The Exporter will download and cache the data as a json-file in the GSF Carbon Aware SDK. The file contains actual and forecast data for the given computing location, which should be the location of the nodes.


Configuration__ComputingLocationdeThe Grid Carbon Intensity location
Configuration__ForecastDataEndpointTemplatehttps://carbonawarecomputing.blob.core.windows.net/forecasts/{0}.jsonURL template to download the data. {0} is replaced by the computing location

build and push docker image

cd ./src
docker build -t ghcr.io/bluehands/kubernetes-grid-carbon-intensity-metrics-exporter:latest -f Exporter/Dockerfile .
docker push ghcr.io/bluehands/kubernetes-grid-carbon-intensity-metrics-exporter:latest


Use Helm to deploy the exporter to k8s

helm install grid-carbon-intensity-metrics-exporter ./Chart  --kube-context "docker-desktop"