

Tezos ETL

Build Status Documentation Status

Full documentation available here.


Install Tezos ETL:

pip install tezos-etl

Export blocks, balance updates and operations (Schema, Reference):

tezosetl export --start-block 1 --end-block 100 \
--provider-uri https://mainnet.api.tez.ie --output-dir output --output-format json

For the latest version, checkout the repo and call

pip install -e .
python tezosetl.py

Running Tests

pip install -e .[dev]
echo "TEZOSETL_PROVIDER_URI variable is optional"
export TEZOSETL_PROVIDER_URI=https://mainnet.api.tez.ie
pytest -vv

Running Tox Tests

pip install tox

Running in Docker

  1. Install Docker https://docs.docker.com/install/

  2. Build a docker image:

     docker build -t tezos-etl:latest .
     docker image ls
  3. Start the export using the image:

     docker run -v $HOME/output:/tezos-etl/output tezos-etl:latest export_partitioned \
     -s 2018-06-30 -e 2018-07-01 -p https://mainnet.api.tez.ie --output-format csv