

Products Management

Feedback and evolution tracking by and for blindnet team members.

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:eyes: View ongoing discussions

:rocket: Add a feature request or feedback

:mag: Track our progress

:white_check_mark: Understand the decisions we made

:books: Check our reference documents

:people_holding_hands: Follow User Stories

:bookmark_tabs: Get detailed specifications

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At blindnet we expect every team member, regardless of their role and competence, to test the products and provide feedback ranging from bug reports to feature or product ideas.

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The product team welcomes feedback, and will treat it in a constructive, polemic manner, meaning that:


The team members should provide feedback in this repository by creating a new Github Issue for each new feedback (check the Issues tab on top of the page).


All feedback must follow certain guidelines in order to be considered in the feedback process. The design team will disregard any feedback that fails to meet these guidelines in any way. All feedback must be:


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The button should appear in the upper right instead of lower right corner. Also, clicking the button should result in faster response(1) The button should appear in the upper right instead of lower right corner; (2) Clicking the button should result in faster response
On the covid form, mandatory fields should be marked with an * and the error when submitting invalid forms should be translated to French(1) On the covid form, mandatory fields should be marked with an *; (2) The error when submitting invalid forms should be translated to French
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Design looks strange on some resolutionsOn the blindnet website (homepage), on width 991-1099px, the blindnet logo is partially off screen.
"Save" button does not have a spinner when clicked"Save" button on the page for creating the apps currently does not have a spinner when clicked. A spinner should be put in place in order to let the user know that something is going on.
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Keys are updated when clicked on "I'll generate my own keys"Currently, keys are updated when clicked on "I'll generate my own keys". Instead, the click should open the page for inserting a new public key.
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ambiguous, non-testableunambiguously testable
On mobile screens, the page is cut at the bottomOn the blindnet website (homepage), on mobile screens, the buttons on the bottom of the page are not visible (require the user to scroll down), they should be in sight when the page loads whatever the screen size.
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In Private Form (covid questionnaire), the content scrolls vertically. Everything should fit on the screen.In Private Form (covid questionnaire), the content scrolls vertically. Since we use back/next "horizontal" navigation, having both "horizontal" and "vertical" navigation loads a higher cognitive charge on the user and might confuse the user. Every panel should fit vertically on one the screen .
"Save" button does not have a spinner when clicked"Save" button on the page for creating the apps currently does not have a spinner when clicked. A spinner should be put in place in order to let the user know that something is going on.

Creating Issues

If you want to create a new issue, first ensure that the same or similar issue does not exist already. You can do so by using the search functionality on the Issues page. Only in the case that there is no such issue proceed with creating a new issue. If the same or similar issue already exists, read it and if needed add to the discussion by commenting on it.

What not to do:


Specifications are important part of blindnet product development. To learn more about our product specification process, see the specification section of this repository.