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This is a service that receives a Riemann Protobuf-formatted event stream and sends it to one or more targets in Riemann or Graphite format. Although that can be done in Riemann itself, this service is simpler, probably faster and lightweight (no Java)


See riemann-relay.conf for more details on features and how to configure them


On 2 average CPU cores it's able to handle about 500k events per second, depending on batch size and incoming Riemann message sizes. It will scale to more CPUs when using more targets and clients (each target and client gets it's own thread). There's a room for optimizations, though.

JSON URI and Event structure for Websocket

URI: ws://

    "host": "host1",
    "service": "svc1",
    "description": "cool",
    "state": "ok",
    "tags": ["tag1", "tag2"],
    "metric": 123,
    "time": "2018-04-10T13:36:04.787Z",
    "attributes": [
            "key": "key1",
            "value": "val1"


For now in the releases only binaries for linux-amd64 are available. For other platforms see the Build section below.


riemann-relay is written in Go and uses dep as a dependency manager, so you need to install them first.


# dep ensure
# go build


To build RPM & DEB packages you'll need gox and fpm.

Then just do one of:

# make rpm
# make deb


# /path/to/riemann-relay -config /etc/riemann-relay.conf

The logging currently goes to stdout. Use -debug option to get a lot more detailed output (not for production).