


Raspberry Pi 4 USB Forwarder, Sniffer, Injector

This is example code that can be used to open USB device and duplicate messages one the USB peripheral/power port on a Raspebrry Pi 4. This framework lets a host device recognize the Raspberry Pi as the client device connected to the Raspberry Pi. Doing so allows an arbitrary host send and recieve all protocols while allowing usb-sniffiy to read the transmitted messages. A few small tweaks to the code can also let you block transmissions or inject new messages. Sniffiy is derived from Sniff + Modify.

The original motivation of this project is to decode USB protcol from a Dualsense controller connected to a PS5 over USB, as well as modify the inputs being sent to the console for projects like chaos%.

There exist some generated headers based on HID report descriptors using the following tool:

The passthrough.c is the latest program that can pass a device from the PCB-closest USB 2.0 port. This requires running the insmod.sh to have been priorly run from raw-gadget.

$ cd src 
$ make
$ ls /sys/class/udc
$ sudo ./passthrough fe980000.usb fe980000.usb

This project is very new so expect frequent updates. Though the intent is to pass through all USB funcitonality certain limitations in raw_gadget or libusb may make perfect transparency impossible.
