


A collection of python scripts to aid you in the final steps of binary exploitation or during the construction of buffers.

This project is by no means any rocket-science, and many of these components might remind you of loose scripts that everyone has written at some point in time. ;-)


Moneyshot depends on:

There's some external libraries that moneyshot depends on as well. however, (local) installation of these is automatically done by setting up the git submodules. (See installation notes)


<pre> $ git clone https://github.com/blasty/moneyshot.git $ cd moneyshot $ git submodule init $ git submodule update $ cd lib/darm && make </pre>


Running moneyshot.py without any arguments gives you an overview of all modules/commands currently implemented. If you supply an action without any arguments moneyshot will inform you about the usage of the specific module/action.

<pre> $ ./moneyshot.py __ __ ______.___ __ _____._ __._______._ __ ____._________ / \ / \/ __ | \| |/ ___| \/ /\ ___/ | |/ __ \__ __/ / ' \ / | |\ | _|_\ /__\ \| | / | | | /___\ / \_____|__| \__|______||__||______/|__|__|\_____| |__| \/ _____\ usage: moneyshot <action> [options] actions: * list - list shellcodes * build - build shellcodes * pattern - build patterns * lolsled - build a lolsled * format - format input * fmt - formatstring helper * rop - ROP helper * rop-arm - ARM ROP helper * rep - String repeater * dwords - binary format dwords * dumpsym - dump symbols for given binary * dumpelf - dump information for given binary </pre>


If you want to help out and improve moneyshot, that would be most welcome. I'm a very lazy coder so I only work in small spurts when I need a feature/fix myself. But if you send me sensible pull requests it is likely that I will merge them into the master repo. If you're looking for some inspiration of what to implement/fix: