

Bladecoder Adventure Engine

The Bladecoder Adventure Engine is a set of tools to create interactive graphic adventures (classical point and click games).

I think that this type of games are a great medium to tell stories and mobile devices provide a big opportunity to rebirth and evolve them.

By creating the Bladecoder Adventure Engine, I want to create a platform to tell stories. Interactive stories with modern graphics, animations and music.

The Bladecoder Adventure Engine is composed of the following subprojects:

The Bladecoder Adventure Engine has been developed using the LibGDX framework and the project generates a layout similar to any LibGDX project. This lowers the learning curve and eases development and deploy on several platforms.

Adventure Editor

The Adventure Editor is a graphical editor to create full point and click games with minimal programming.

adventure editor 2014-09-26

Blade Engine

The Engine has the following features:

The Goddess Robbery

The Bladecoder Adventure Engine is currently under continuous development and it's ready for production. The Goddess Robbery is a test game created to show the features of the Engine.

The source of The Goddess Robbery can be downloaded here and it's useful to learn how to use the Adventure Editor.

The Goddess Robbery is also available for Android devices at the Google Play Store.

The Goddess Robbery on Google Play


All available documentation is in the wiki page. The documentation is not good enough and needs to improve, we are working on it. Meanwhile you can download and look into the test projects.

Download latest release

Check the release page to download the latest version.

For Linux users, there is a Flatpack package with all the dependencies included.

<a href="https://flathub.org/apps/details/com.bladecoder.adventure-editor"><img width="240" alt="Download on Flathub" src="https://flathub.org/assets/badges/flathub-badge-en.png"/></a>

Building and running

In order to compile, build and run the engine, the Java platform is necessary. The project uses Gradle to build and package.


$ ./gradlew build

Run the Adventure Editor:

$ ./gradlew run

Create a distribution package for the Adventure Editor:

$ ./gradlew distZip

A zip package ready for distribution is created in the folder ' bladecoder-adventure-engine/adventure-editor/build/distributions'


The Bladecoder Adventure Engine is licensed under the Apache 2 License, meaning you can use it free of charge, without strings attached in commercial and non-commercial projects.