

<img src="https://i.ibb.co/NKsb23Y/repo-Image-Set3.png" alt="repo-Image-Set3" border="0">


This repository contains sets of individual icons intended for use with the OpenCanopy GUI frontend for OpenCore. The files are in Apple .icns file format and contain only images for 1x and 2x scale.

The idea is that a user can choose to select one or more icons from this collection to enhance their GUI experience. They can either replace images that are already in their OpenCanopy's /Resources/Image directory, renaming the icons from here with the same name, or rename the icon from here as .VolumeIcon.icns and place at the root of the volume as a hidden file, and adjusting the PickerAttributes in config.plist accordingly.

For details about how to use these then please consult the OpenCore configuration documentation PDF.<br> You can also check the GUI setup instructions in the Dortania guide.

Icon packs

I did start to collect individual icons in to packs and host them at OpenCanopyIconPacks but due to OpenCanopy being experimental and subject to changing requirements and mandatory icons I feel this process leads to out of date icon packs which need time to rebuild. So for now, I will not be updating these packs.

For reference, the existing BOCIP_3 icon packs have been updated to include Left and Right icons for OpenCore 0.6.6, but all others are older and NOT up to date for recent versions of OpenCanopy.


Set1<br> Initial icon design using flat matte materials<br> Set1 - All Current Icons on Grey background<br> Set1 - All Current Icons on Black background

Set2<br> Larger range of icons based on the same style as Set1 but using more reflective materials<br> Set2 - All Current Icons on Grey background<br> Set2 - All Current Icons on Black background

Set3<br> Improving further upon the Set2 icon design with narrower and additionally designed devices, all with brighter lighting<br> Set3 - Light Icons on Grey background<br> Set3 - Dark Icons on Grey background<br> Set3 - Aqua Icons on Grey background<br> Set3 - Blue Icons on Grey background<br> Set3 - Cardinal Icons on Grey background<br> Set3 - Green Icons on Grey background<br> Set3 - LightBlue Icons on Grey background<br> Set3 - Lime Icons on Grey background<br> Set3 - Orange Icons on Grey background<br> Set3 - Pink Icons on Grey background<br> Set3 - Purple Icons on Grey background<br> Set3 - Red Icons on Grey background<br> Set3 - Violet Icons on Grey background<br> Set3 - Yellow Icons on Grey background

Special Edition Set3 icons with different lighting<br> Set3 (Special edition)- SilverGold Icons on Grey background<br> Set3 (Special edition)- SilverBlue Icons on Grey background

Set3 (Glow) icons again but with darker,lower lighting to light the objects more from the front<br> Set3 - LightGlow Icons on Grey background<br> Set3 - DarkGlow Icons on Grey background

Limited Edition Set3 (Glow) icons:<br> These sets only contain 16 icons but also include a background image at various different sizes<br> Set3 - BlueGlow Icons on Grey background<br> Set3 - GreenGlow Icons on Grey background<br> Set3 - LightBlueGlow Icons on Grey background<br> Set3 - OrangeGlow Icons on Grey background<br> Set3 - RedGlow Icons on Grey background

Set4<br> At attempt as overhead icons with long shadows<br> Set4 - Light Grey (Non-Alpha) Icons on Grey background (Note: These icons are on solid grey background)<br> Set4 - Grey Icons with ghost shadow on black background<br> Set4 - Coloured Icons with ghost shadow on black background<br> Set4 - White_Icons on Grey background<br> Set4 - White_Icons without glow on Grey background<br> Set4 - White_Plain Icons Grey background<br> Set4 - Black_Outlines_Blue_Purple on Black background<br> Set4 - Black_Shadows_Coloured on Black background<br> Set4 - Black_Shadows_White on Black background<br> Set4 - Black_Plain Icons Grey background

Set5<br> Set5 - iMacBlue Icons on Grey background<br> Set5 - iMacGreen Icons on Grey background<br> Set5 - iMacOrange Icons on Grey background<br> Set5 - iMacPink Icons on Grey background<br> Set5 - iMacPurple Icons on Grey background<br> Set5 - iMacSilver Icons on Grey background<br> Set5 - iMacYellow Icons on Grey background<br>

Icon sets with multiple sets in different colours<br> Set5 - FlatTile ( 0, 18, 36, 54, 72, 90, 108, 126, 144, 162, 180, 198, 216, 234, 252, 270, 288, 306, 324, 342, Black)<br> Set5 - Glassy | ( 0, 15, 30, 45, 60, 75, 90, 105, 120, 135, 150, 165, 180, 195, 210, 225, 240, 255, 270, 285, 300, 315, 330, 345)<br> Set5 - GlassyTileIndent | ( 0, 18, 36, 54, 72, 90, 108, 126, 144, 162, 180, 198, 216, 234, 252, 270, 288, 306, 324, 342, Black)<br> Set5 - Marble | ( 0, 15, 30, 45, 60, 75, 90, 105, 120, 135, 150, 165, 180, 195, 210, 225, 240, 255, 270, 285, 300, 315, 330, 345)<br> Set5 - WindowReflection | ( 0, 15, 30, 45, 60, 75, 90, 105, 120, 135, 150, 165, 180, 195, 210, 225, 240, 255, 270, 285, 300, 315, 330, 345, Black, Bright_0, Bright_45, Bright_90, Bright_135, Bright_180, Bright_225, Bright_270, Bright_315)<br>


Set1 and Set2 are released under the CC0 1.0 Universal (CC0 1.0) license to dedicate the work to the public domain so those directories each include that license file.

