


hwatch - alternative watch command.

<p align="center"> <img src="./img/hwatch.gif" /> </p>


hwatch is a alternative watch command. That records the result of command execution and can display it history and diffs.



macOS (brew)

brew install hwatch

macOS (MacPorts)

sudo port install hwatch

Arch Linux (AUR)

paru -S hwatch

Cargo Install

cargo install hwatch



    $ hwatch --help
    A modern alternative to the watch command, records the differences in execution results and can check this differences at after.

    Usage: hwatch [OPTIONS] [command]...


      -b, --batch                         output exection results to stdout
      -B, --beep                          beep if command has a change result
          --border                        Surround each pane with a border frame
          --with-scrollbar                When the border option is enabled, display scrollbar on the right side of watch pane.
          --mouse                         enable mouse wheel support. With this option, copying text with your terminal may be harder. Try holding the Shift key.
      -c, --color                         interpret ANSI color and style sequences
      -r, --reverse                       display text upside down.
      -C, --compress                      Compress data in memory.
      -t, --no-title                      hide the UI on start. Use `t` to toggle it.
      -N, --line-number                   show line number
          --no-help-banner                hide the "Display help with h key" message
      -x, --exec                          Run the command directly, not through the shell. Much like the `-x` option of the watch command.
      -O, --diff-output-only              Display only the lines with differences during `line` diff and `word` diff.
      -A, --aftercommand <after_command>  Executes the specified command if the output changes. Information about changes is stored in json format in environment variable ${HWATCH_DATA}.
      -l, --logfile [<logfile>]           logging file
      -s, --shell <shell_command>         shell to use at runtime. can  also insert the command to the location specified by {COMMAND}. [default: "sh -c"]
      -n, --interval <interval>           seconds to wait between updates [default: 2]
      -L, --limit <limit>                 Set the number of history records to keep. only work in watch mode. Set `0` for unlimited recording. (default: 5000) [default: 5000]
          --tab-size <tab_size>           Specifying tab display size [default: 4]
      -d, --differences [<differences>]   highlight changes between updates [possible values: none, watch, line, word]
      -o, --output [<output>]             Select command output. [default: output] [possible values: output, stdout, stderr]
      -K, --keymap <keymap>               Add keymap
      -h, --help                          Print help
      -V, --version                       Print version


Watch mode keybind(Default).

<kbd></kbd>, <kbd></kbd>move selected screen(history/watch).
<kbd>pageup</kbd>, <kbd>pagedn</kbd>move selected screen(history/watch).
<kbd>home</kbd>, <kbd>end</kbd>move selected screen(history/watch).
<kbd>Tab</kbd>toggle select screen(history/watch).
<kbd></kbd>select watch screen.
<kbd></kbd>select history screen.
<kbd>H</kbd>show help window.
<kbd>B</kbd>toggle enable/disable border.
<kbd>S</kbd>toggle enable/disable border scrollbar.
<kbd>C</kbd>toggle color.
<kbd>N</kbd>switch line number display.
<kbd>R</kbd>toggle reverse mode.
<kbd>M</kbd>toggle mouse support.
<kbd>D</kbd>switch diff mode.
<kbd>T</kbd>toggle the UI (history pane and header).
<kbd>Backspace</kbd>toggle the history pane.
<kbd>Q</kbd>exit hwatch.
<kbd>0</kbd>disable diff.
<kbd>1</kbd>switch watch type diff.
<kbd>2</kbd>switch line type diff.
<kbd>3</kbd>switch word type diff.
<kbd>O</kbd>switch output mode(output->stdout->stderr).
<kbd>Shift</kbd>+<kbd>O</kbd>show only lines with differences(line/word diff mode only).
<kbd>Shift</kbd>+<kbd>S</kbd>show summary infomation in history.
<kbd>F1</kbd>only stdout print.
<kbd>F2</kbd>only stderr print.
<kbd>F3</kbd>print output.
<kbd>+</kbd>increase interval.
<kbd>-</kbd>decrease interval.
<kbd>/</kbd>filter history by string.
<kbd>*</kbd>filter history by regex.

Custom keybind

Can customize key bindings by using the -K Option. Write it in the format keybind=funciton.

hwatch -K ctrl-p=history_pane_up -K ctrl-n=history_pane_down command...

Keybind functions that can be specified are as follows.

upMove up
watch_pane_upMove up in watch pane
history_pane_upMove up in history pane
downMove down
watch_pane_downMove down in watch pane
history_pane_downMove down in history pane
page_upMove page up
watch_pane_page_upMove page up in watch pane
history_pane_page_upMove page up in history pane
page_downMove page down
watch_pane_page_downMove page down in watch pane
history_pane_page_downMove page down in history pane
move_topMove top
watch_pane_move_topMove top in watch pane
history_pane_move_topMove top in history pane
move_endMove end
watch_pane_move_endMove end in watch pane
history_pane_move_endMove end in history pane
toggle_forcusToggle forcus window
forcus_watch_paneForcus watch pane
forcus_history_paneForcus history pane
quitQuit hwatch
resetfilter reset
helpShow and hide help window
toggle_colorToggle enable/disable ANSI Color
toggle_line_numberToggle enable/disable Line Number
toggle_reverseToggle enable/disable text reverse
toggle_mouse_supportToggle enable/disable mouse support
toggle_view_pane_uiToggle view header/history pane
toggle_view_header_paneToggle view header pane
toggle_view_history_paneToggle view history pane
toggle_borderToggle enable/disable border
toggle_scroll_barToggle enable/disable scroll bar
toggle_diff_modeToggle diff mode
set_diff_mode_planeSet diff mode plane
set_diff_mode_watchSet diff mode watch
set_diff_mode_lineSet diff mode line
set_diff_mode_wordSet diff mode word
set_diff_onlySet diff line only (line/word diff only)
toggle_output_modeToggle output mode
set_output_mode_outputSet output mode output
set_output_mode_stdoutSet output mode stdout
set_output_mode_stderrSet output mode stderr
togge_history_summaryToggle history summary
interval_plusInterval +0.5sec
interval_minusInterval -0.5sec
change_filter_modeChange filter mode
change_regex_filter_modeChange regex filter mode


If you always want to use some command-line options, you can set them in the HWATCH environment variable. For example, if you use bash, you can add the following to your .bashrc:

export HWATCH="--no-title --color --no-help-banner --border --with-scrollbar"


interval 10 second

Use the -n option to specify the command execution interval.

hwatch -n 3 command...
<p align="center"> <img src="./img/interval.gif" /> </p>

logging output

The command execution result can be output as a log in json format.

hwatch -n 3 -l hwatch_log.json command...

When you check the json log, you can easily check it by using this script.

Use shell function

If you want the shell function to be executed periodically, you can specify the shell command to be executed with -s as follows.

# bash
hwatch -n 3 -s 'bash -c "source ~/.bashrc"; {COMMAND}' command...

# zsh
hwatch -n 3 -s 'zsh -c "source ~/.zshrc"; {COMMAND}' command...

ANSI Color code

If you want to see output colored with ANSI color code, enable color mode.

To enable color mode, run hwatch with the -c option. Alternatively, you can enable / disable the color mode with the <kbd>C</kbd> key during execution.

hwatch -n 3 -c command...

diff view

To enable color mode, run hwatch with the -d option.

There are several "diff modes" available. Switching can be done with the <kbd>D</kbd> key.

hwatch -n 3 -d command...

watch diff

<p align="center"> <img src="./img/watch_diff.png" /> </p>

line diff

<p align="center"> <img src="./img/line_diff.png" /> </p>

word diff

<p align="center"> <img src="./img/word_diff.png" /> </p>

history filtering

You can filter history as a string with <kbd>/</kbd> key and as a regular expression with <kbd>*</kbd> key.

run batch mode

You can have command diffs output directly to stdout instead with -b option of getting them as a TUI app.

hwatch -b command...
