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Automatically manage configuration files.

Getting Started

The package itself requires npm. However it can be used to manage files for any type of project.

First we need to set up the (hopefully) only manually managed configuration file called .roboconfig.json.

This file could for example contain:

  "@blackflux/robo-config-plugin": {
    "tasks": [
    "variables": {}

where @blackflux/robo-config-plugin is a specific robo-config plugin, tasks contains tasks from that plugin, variables contains task required variables and exclude (optionally) contains files that should not be touched by any tasks.

To sync the configuration into the project we have two options:

Option A: Sync through test (preferred)

First install robo-config and any plugins referenced in the configuration file, e.g.

$ npm install --save-dev robo-config @blackflux/robo-config-plugin

Then create a test similar to

<!-- eslint-disable import/no-unresolved, import/no-extraneous-dependencies -->
import { expect } from 'chai';
import robo from 'robo-config';

describe('Running Robo Config', () => {
  it('Applying Configuration', async () => {
    expect(await robo()).to.deep.equal([]);

Option B: Sync through CLI

// TODO: still needs to be implemented

But why...?

Why does this package even exist? - Let's face it, without npm and micro-services this repo would probably not exist. Npm has encouraged us developers to create a new repo and package for every re-usable code snippet. This is great from the re-usability perspective, however it means that a single developer might actively maintain many repos.

Most maintenance tasks (automated repository configuration, automated tests, automated dependency updates, automated versioning or releases) can be done by just simply adding a configuration file to the repo and activating the corresponding service. That's great, but what happens when:

How does one ensure changes will propagate to all relevant repos? If you never had to batch update a few dozen repos with the same change manually, you're lucky - I can tell you it's not fun. Either you do them all at the same time (let's hope it was the right change) or you will inadvertently forget to apply the change to some repos. That's where this package comes in!

Simply pick the plugin(s)/task(s) that are most appropriate for your repo or create your own. Changes will propagate to your repos as dependencies are updated, giving you full control when they are applied.

Writing your own Plugin

Writing your own robo-config plugin is very easy and gives you the most control. However it is recommended that you use popular plugins for basic configuration management and then write your own plugin for those cases that are not covered.

Writing your own Plugin for robo-config is very simple. A full example can be found here.

A plugin is an npm package that exposes an object containing the following keys:

The folder structures are as following:


This directory is the core of every robo-config plugin.

Top level it only contains sub-directories, which we call "task directories" since they are used to group tasks. For example a task directory editor might indicate tasks related to the editor that is used for the project that uses robo-config.

Each task directory then contains task files and a snippets folder.

The snippets folder contains raw configuration files or parts thereof which are applied using tasks and merge strategies. Snippet files can contain variables which need to be provided when a task references the snippet.

There are two types of task files:

Container Tasks

Container task names always starts with an @ or # symbol. Only container tasks starting with an @ are usable from outside your plugin.

A container task definition file contains the following keys:

Actionable Tasks

Actionable task names must not start with an @ or # symbol. They can only be used by container tasks.

Actionable task definition files contain the following keys:

Templating: Snippet files can contain mustache templates. This has to be indicated by ending the file with ".mustache". Parsing and variable substitution of mustache templates happens before other parsing and variable resolution.

Local and Global Variables

Variables are specified as ${variableName}.

They can be placed as local variables anywhere in the snippet file (e.g. in the key of an object).

Local variables must be defined in every task that is using the snippet. Variable values can be strings or any other json structure.

The definitions for local variables can contain variables themselves, which are global variables. These are required to be filled in by the maintainer of the project using robo-config and need to be documented.

Variables can also be used in the target of an actionable task. These are also global variables.


Contains a definition file $$REQ$$.json for every global dependency $$REQ$$. Each file contains the following entries:


Contains a definition file $$VAR$$.json for every global variable $$VAR$$. Each file contains the following entries:


Contains a definition file $$TARGET$$.json for every target $$TARGET$$. Each file contains the following entries:


The folder structure is automatically managed and updated by the plugin tests. You should never need to touch this.

Very useful when previewing the configuration your plugin will generate.

To ensure this is synchronized you should set up a test. See below for details.

Merge Strategies

There are several merge strategies available and more will be added over time. For documentation see here.


To ensure your plugin is in a valid state you should set up tests like so

<!-- eslint-disable import/no-unresolved, import/no-extraneous-dependencies, import/extensions -->
import path from 'path';
import { expect } from 'chai';
import robo from 'robo-config';
import plugin from './path/to/plugin';

const { load } = robo;

describe('Testing Plugin', () => {
  it('Documenting Plugin Tasks', () => {

  it('Testing Plugin Tasks', () => {
    expect(load(plugin).test(path.join(fs.dirname(import.meta.url), 'path', 'to', 'mock', 'projects'))).to.deep.equal({
      'task-dir/task-name': []

where projects will contain a customizable "project-like folder" for each task.


Variable Escaping

Variables used in your snippets can be escaped as $\{escapedVar}. This is converted into ${escapedVar} before the snippet is applied. Handy when configuration files need to contain variables of the same format.

File Guessing

In almost all cases you don't need to and should not specify the file extension of a task/file you're using. It will automatically be picked up.

Using Tasks Multiple Times

Tasks can be used multiple times with different variables by defining them as an object, containing the keys name and variables.


Modifiers can be used on variables as ${var|MOD}. Currently the following modifiers MOD are available: