

Lambda Monitoring

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Lambda log monitoring and streaming to external services.

What it does

Cloudwatch To Loggly


1. Create New Github Project

// eslint-disable-next-line import/no-extraneous-dependencies
import gardener from 'js-gardener';

if (require.main === module) {
  gardener().catch(() => process.exit(1));
  "lambda-monitor": {
    "tasks": [
    "variables": {
      "enableCloudTrail": "FILL_IN",
      "awsRegion": "AWS_REGION"
  "@blackflux/robo-config-plugin": {
    "tasks": [
    "variables": {
      "repoKey": "ORG_NAME/REPO_NAME",
      "circleCiReadToken": "CIRCLE_CI_TOKEN",
      "projectName": "PROJECT_NAME",
      "owner": "GH_USER_NAME",
      "ownerName": "ORG_NAME",
      "mergeBot": "MERGE_BOT_NAME",
      "awsRegion": "AWS_REGION",
      "namespace": "com.sls.ORG_NAME"

Disable Logging for a Lambda Function

To exclude a lambda function from being monitored simply add the tag "MONITORED": "0". Note that you need to manually unsubscribe if process-log has already been subscribed to the CloudWatch stream.

How it works

While deploying this project is straight forward, there is a lot of complexity going on behind the scenes to ensure:

There are four lambda function created per stage. All operations are only performed on lambda functions tagged with the corresponding stage.

batcher-handler - Listens to SQS messages to group them before writing to S3

bundler-handler - Listens to SQS messages to group them before writing to json logging service

process-logs - This lambda function is subscribed to CloudWatch and processes the logs. Anomalies are submitted to rollbar and all detected log events are sent to the configured logging services. Tagged with "MONITOR": "1" and "MONITORED": "0".

subscribe - Subscribes the process-logs lambda function (detected using the MONITOR tag) to all relevant CloudWatch Groups, excluding those functions that have the MONITORED tag set to 0.

empty-bucket - Empty CloudTrail bucket when stage is removed from AWS.