


(c) 2020 black.dragon74 aka Nick

macOS HID driver based on DriverKit for Asus ROG notebook built-in keyboard. Tested on 0b05:1869. Should support 0b05:1866, 0b05:1854, 0b05:1837, 0b05:1822, 0b05:19b6.

For enhanced functionality, use with ROGSwitch.


Many features such as touchpad toggle, display off, sleep and airplane mode require use of IOKit. Currently, there is no documentation of interfacing DriverKit with IOKit. These features are on my TODO and will be implemented in a future release.


Download the appropriate version from the Releases and copy ROG-HID.app to /Applications folder.

Now open the ROG-HID.app from Launchpad, click on Activate ROG-HID Extension and follow the instructions.

The driver won't attach right away as DriverKit drivers do not attach to pre-enumerated devices. You can either reboot or use the reenumerate utility found inside Utils folder. To use this utlity, you need to know the VendorID and ProductID of your Keyboard. You can re-enumerate a USB device like:

#for vendor-id 0b05 and product-id 1869
reenumerate -v 0x0b05,0x1869
<details> <summary>Build sign and install by yourself</summary>

In order to build and use this driver, make sure your SIP is disabled and you have a free Apple developer account along with Xcode.

Then, you need to change the codesign.sh file to reflect your own developer identity. Follow the steps below to find and update your developer identity.

# Find the code signing identity
security find-identity -p codesigning -v

Copy the identity you get and then open the codesign.sh file. Replace the existing identity with the new one.

Now we need to enable DriverKit development mode. Run systemextensionsctl developer on in Terminal.

Now run the following commands in Terminal to build and install.

make build
make install


You can enable or disable additonal features and fixes in this driver by editing the Info.plist file of the dext. Setting value to 0 disables and 1 enables the feature/fix. Currently configurable options are:

You need to edit ONLY the entry for your vendor and device id. Like for 0b05:1869 I would edit 0b05_1869 entry under IOKitPersonalities dict.


From GitHub:

Install Xcode, clone the GitHub repo and enter the top-level directory. Then:

make build
