


wmkAdmin is a simple admin system for websites built with wmk. It requires wmk v1.3.0 or later.

Getting started

  1. Go to a wmk project directory

  2. Clone this repository as a suitable subdirectory, e.g. admin.

  3. Create a file called wmk_admin.yaml in the project directory. It must contain an admin_password value. (The password should preferably be hashed with SHA-256 but can be written as plaintext if desired).

  4. Run wmk admin . (with wmk version 1.3.0 or greater). Alternatively, run python admin/admin.py after having loaded the wmk venv (or otherwise made all required python modules available).

  5. Access the admin system on http://localhost:7077/_/admin/ (or with the host and port configured in the wmk_admin.yaml file) and log in.

Settings in wmk_admin.yaml

The following settings are currently supported:

All wmk_admin.yaml settings except admin_password are optional.


Potential features and improvements in the future:


The license is MIT.