


The Lanyonesque theme is a port to wmk of the popular Jekyll Lanyon theme created by Mark Otto. The author of the port is Baldur Kristinsson. The theme is lightweight and mobile-friendly. It especially suitable for a personal blog but can easily be adapted for other purposes. A demo can be found here.


In your wmk project put the lanyonesque theme inside the themes subdirectory. Then add the setting theme: lanyonesque to your wmk_config.yaml.

Lanyonesque expects quite a few settings and context variables to be present. Here is a sample wmk_config.yaml file demonstrating them:

theme: lanyonesque
markdown_extensions: ['extra', 'sane_lists', 'codehilite']
    title: Lanyonesque
    base_url: https://wmk-example.net
    leading_path: ''
    tagline: A port of the Jekyll theme Lanyon to wmk
    lang: en
    date_format: "%d %b %Y"
    datetime_format: "%d %b %Y %H:%M"
    description: |
        This is an example site illustrating Lanyonesque,
        which is a port of the Jekyll theme Lanyon to wmk.
    paginate: 4
    posts_list_detail: summary
    author: Dr. Hastie Lanyon
    author_email: hl@wmk-example.net
    body_css_class: layout-reverse sidebar-overlay

All of the context variables used by the theme have names starting with site. Some of them are required, others are optional but recommended.

It is not necessary to add codehilite to markdown_exensions unless you intend to use fenced code blocks in your markdown content.

Many of the settings should be self-explanatory. Here are the exceptions:

Theme appearance

Lanyonesque supports some modifications to the appearance and functionality of the theme through the context variable site.body_css_class as seen above. This sets the <body> class(es) in the default base template.

The following css classes are supported in the value of site.body_css_class.

All of these settings are inherited from Lanyon.


Lanyonesque, like Lanyon, uses the font PT Serif for body text and PT Sans for most other things. You can customize the fonts by overriding assets/scss/lanyonesque.scss and setting the Sass variables $sans-font and $serif-font. If you do this, you would probably also want to override the Mako component templates/base/fonts.mc which defines the necessary CSS @font-face imports (via Google Fonts).

File organization

By default, Lanyonesque is a blog-oriented theme. If you wish to change this, you need to override the frontpage (index.mhtml) as well as (probably) the sidebar def of the default base template, base/default.mhtml.

Blog entries should have section: blog in their frontmatter. The template should be set to base/post.mhtml or a similar page. The most convenient way of accomplishing this is to put them in or under a directory (e.g. content/posts) with the following index.yaml file:

section: blog
template: base/post

Blog entries should also specify title and pubdate (which is a date or datetime in ISO format). If pubdate is missing, the modification of the file is used instead.

Blog entries are displayed on the frontpage as a paginated list. The value of site.paginate determines how many entries are displayed at a time.

Other files in content (i.e. those that do not have a section value of blog) are regarded as "pages" and go into the navigation in the sidebar. A page does not need to specify a pubdate and should normally have a template value of base/page.mhtml.

Standalone templates

Lanyonesque provides three standalone templates:



MIT license.