


Historia is a theme for wmk based on the single-page HTML template Story by HTML5 UP.

Although Historia is primarily intended for a single-page website, it is possible to use it for a multiple-page site as well by configuring a main menu for navigation (using site.with_topmenu -- see below). However, the theme is probably not a good fit for a blog site.

A demo of the theme can be seen here.


Installation is the same as any other wmk theme: clone, link or copy into themes and put the line theme: historia into wmk_config.yaml.

The following keys in the site portion of wmk_config.yaml are used by the theme:


The shortcodes for Historia take a single argument, info, which may be specified directly as a Python dict or as the name of a YAML file containing a representation of that dict.

There are five shortcodes corresponding to each of the section types in the original Story template:


The banner shortcode expects the following keys in info:

If style is a string, it contains the css classes characterizing the banner instance, e.g. style3 orient-left content-align-left image-position-center fullscreen onload-image-fade-in onload-content-fade-right.

If it is a dict, it describes the wished-for characteristics which then are transformed into a css class string by the shortcode, e.g.

{'subtype': 'circle',
 'orient': 'left',
 'align': 'left',
 'imgpos': 'center',
 'fullscreen': True,
 'onload': ['img-fadein', 'faderight']}

When style is specified as a dict, the following keys and values are supported for banner:


The spotlight shortcode is similar to banner and mostly has the same arguments.

The style keys supported are also the same, with the following exceptions:


The gallery shortcode expects the following keys in info:

If gallery_style is specified as a dict, it supports the following keys and values:


The items shortcode expects the following keys in info:

If items_style is specified as a dict, it may contain the following keys:


The simple shortcode expects the following keys in info:

It accepts an extra optional argument in addition to info, namely heading_tag, which by default is h1.

If style is specified as a dict, it makes use of the following keys:


Like the original HTML5 UP Story template, Historia is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License.