

jsreport authentication with authorization server

Sample demonstrating how to delegate authentication in jsreport to an external authorization server to support Single Sign On


This sample has three different applications:

The authentication flow starts when the user loads the WebApp client application, in order to be able to render some reports (from jsreport) directly from the WebApp the user needs to be authenticated, to do that user clicks "Get Profile and Access Token for jsreport" button, user is asked to insert its credentials, then it is asked to authorize jsreport application access, after the authentication is done the user is able to see a list of reports available in jsreport and have the option to render any of them.

You are also able to load the jsreport studio and use it without entering any credentials (only it will required to authorize the studio to access its information), this is possible because you have authenticated already with the authorization server. To see this in action just click the "Open Studio" button on the WebApp.

The sample demonstrates how jsreport can be exposed as a product with Single Sign On support and how it can be accessed from another application (for example a WebApp application).

Running the sample


  1. make sure you have Node.js (>=18.15) installed

  2. git clone https://github.com/bjrmatos/jsreport-with-authorization-server-sample.git

  3. add to /etc/hosts or to C:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc in windows the following line: <br/> jsreport-sample.com<br/> This will map the domain where the sample will run to the local.

Starting authorization server

  1. open authorization-server directory in command line
  2. npm install
  3. npm start
  4. Check the running server on http://jsreport-sample.com:5005

Starting jsreport server

  1. open jsreport-server directory in command line
  2. npm install
  3. npm start
  4. Check the running jsreport on http://jsreport-sample.com:5004

Starting sample web app

  1. open webapp-client directory in command line
  2. npm install
  3. npm start
  4. Check the running app on http://jsreport-sample.com:5006

Testing auth workflow in sample

  1. Open http://jsreport-sample.com:5006 in your browser and click the "Get Profile and Access Token for jsreport" Button (User: admin, Password: password):



  1. Authorize jsreport application access


  1. Render some reports



  1. Open Studio and verify you are also authenticated there



Technical notes

authorization server

The implementation builds on the node.js oidc-provider, and use the defaults and some extra option to provide a working authorization server for the demo.

jsreport configuration

jsreport server is running with jsreport.config.json configuration with additional authorizationServer field in the config.

"authorizationServer": {
  "name": "AuthServer",
  "issuer": "http://jsreport-sample.com:5005",
  "endpoints": {
    "jwks": "http://jsreport-sample.com:5005/.well-known/openid-configuration/jwks",
    "authorization": "http://jsreport-sample.com:5005/connect/authorize",
    "token": "http://jsreport-sample.com:5005/connect/token",
    "introspection": "http://jsreport-sample.com:5005/connect/introspect",
    "userinfo": "http://jsreport-sample.com:5005/connect/userinfo"
  "studioClient": {
    "clientId": "jsreport-studio",
    "clientSecret": "secret"
  "apiResource": {
    "clientId": "jsreport-api",
    "clientSecret": "secret"
  "authorizationRequest": {
    "scope": ["jsreport", "authProfile"]
  "introspectionRequest": {
    "tokenValidScopes": ["jsreport"]

The values here should correspond with the authorization server configuration. we define that the admin user authenticated though authorization server should be authenticated as admin in jsreport.


The authorization server is not public and jsreport (studio and http api) needs to be authenticated. In this case we use studioClient and apiResource which contains the credentials for each type of client.

web app client

The most notable part is that the output access token (obtained from authorization server) is then passed to the jsreport server through request Authorization header, which will authenticate the call accordingly.

xhr.open("POST", "http://" + authorizationServer + ":5004/api/report", true);
xhr.setRequestHeader("Authorization", "Bearer " + user.access_token);