

passwordless by bitwarden

Welcome to Passwordless.dev by Bitwarden. Passwordless.dev is a software toolkit that helps developers bring FIDO2 WebAuthn passkeys to their end users. Provide passwordless authentication without the need to read W3C specification documentation, determine cryptography, or manage stored public keys. Passwordless with Bitwarden does this for you.

Get started

Passwordless.dev consists of three key parts:

To start, download the Passwordless.js library:

NPM package

Install the Passwordless.dev JS client:

yarn add @passwordlessdev/passwordless-client


npm install @passwordlessdev/passwordless-client

Next, your front end must import the library to call the methods:

import { Client } from '@passwordlessdev/passwordless-client';
const p = new Client({ apiKey: '' });


Install the Passwordless.dev JS client:


Next, your front end must import the libary to call the methods:

  const p = new Passwordless.Client({ apiKey: '' });

Registering a token could look like:

// Instantiate a passwordless client using your API public key.
const p = new Passwordless.Client({
  apiKey: 'myapplication:public:4364b1a49a404b38b843fe3697b803c8'

// Fetch the registration token from the backend.
const backendUrl = 'https://localhost:8002';
const registerToken = await fetch(backendUrl + '/create-token?userId=' + userId).then((r) =>

// Register the token with the end-user's device.
const { token, error } = await p.register(registerToken);

Advanced configuration

When selfhosting, the apiUrl property in the constructor can be used to configure the URL for the Passwordless.dev server.

For advanced usages, you can also configure the origin and the rpid.

Build the library


yarn build

Obtaining your API credentials

Passwordless.dev's Admin Panel is a GUI for application and API key management. You can manage your users and receive your public API key and private API key (also known as secret) from the user interface.

To create an application, follow the instructions here.

To create an account for yourself or your organization, visit this link

Next steps

  1. Call the function register or (e.g. signinWithDiscoverable()).
  2. Add two endpoints to your backend that integrate to your existing user system (set cookie, sessions, and more) and will communicate secrets with our API.
  3. Make a request between your clientside code and the verification endpoints on your backend to verify the registration or sign in.

We've written a more detailed guide, with more language examples and SDKs in the Passwordless.dev documentation.


To talk to the passwordless team, send us an email at support@passwordless.dev



You can fine Bitwarden's other code repositories at https://github.com/bitwarden and more information on https://bitwarden.com/.


We encourage all contributions to docs.passwordless.dev, whether that's opening issues to request edits or additions, or adding them yourself in PRs.