


Your friendly Release helper.

Using this tool is as easy as running releaseman create and following the guide it prints. releaseman helps you generating changelog and releasing new version.

What this tool does:

  1. Generates changelog releaseman create-changelog
  2. Release new version releaseman create-release
  3. Generates changelog and release new version releaseman create

What this tool doesn't do:

  1. Does not push into your git repository, so you can roll back all the changes

Roll back:

Gettings Started


If you're a Go developer / if you have a GOPATH prepared and GOPATH/bin in your PATH:

go get -u github.com/bitrise-tools/releaseman


  1. Download the latest release from https://github.com/bitrise-tools/releaseman/releases
  2. Save it into a directory which is in your PATH (e.g. /usr/local/bin)
  3. chmod +x /path/to/releaseman
  4. Test that you can run releaseman with: releaseman --version


To initialize releaseman for your project:

  1. In your Terminal / Command Line cd into your project's directory
  2. Run: releaseman init and follow the guide
  3. Once you finish with the init you can tweak your release_config.yml (generated by releaseman init), and when you're happy with it git commit it into your repository

Create a release

Once you have your release_config.yml in your repository, creating a release is as simple as:

Optional but good to do:

  1. (optional - releaseman will print an error if you'd have any uncommitted changes) Make sure you committed everything, and that your repository is ready for a release (no uncommitted changes)
  2. (optional - releaseman will prompt you if you're not on this branch) git checkout YOUR-DEVELOPMENT-BRANCH (where YOUR-DEVELOPMENT-BRANCH is the "development" branch you specified during releaseman init / set as development_branch in your release_config.yml)

Create the release:

  1. releaseman create for an automatic version bump
    • or releaseman create --bump-version="minor" to bump the "minor" version number
    • or releaseman create --version X.X.X to create the version X.X.X
  2. (optional) check if everything's OK / looks good, and if it does ...
  3. git push
  4. git push origin : the.tag.version e.g. git push origin : 1.0.1

That's all, you just released a new version, with an auto created CHANGELOG!

How to use - more details



Just start with creating your release configuration, type in releaseman init and follow the printed guide.

Create changelog


Type in releaseman create-changelog and follow the printed guide.


Releaseman needs the following informations to creating changelog:

Evrey input you provide with flag will used instead of the value you provided in your release_config.yml. If you want to use value from config just omitt the related flag.

May your command looks like:

Release new version


Type in releaseman create-release and follow the printed guide.


Releaseman needs the following informations for releasing new version:

Evrey input you provide with flag will used instead of the value you provided in your release_config.yml. If you want to use value from config just omitt the related flag.

May your command looks like:

Create changelog and Release new version


Type in releaseman create and follow the printed guide.


Releaseman needs the following informations for create changelog and release new version:

Evrey input you provide with flag will used instead of the value you provided in your release_config.yml. If you want to use value from config just omitt the related flag.

May your command looks like: