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What is Minideb

A minimalist Debian-based image built specifically to be used as a base image for containers.

Use Minideb

You can use the image directly, e.g.

$ docker run --rm -it bitnami/minideb:latest

There are tags for the different Debian releases.

$ docker run --rm -it bitnami/minideb:bookworm

The images are built daily and have the security release enabled, so will contain any security updates released more than 24 hours ago.

You can also use the images as a base for your own Dockerfile:

FROM bitnami/minideb:bookworm

Why use Minideb

Adoption of Minideb

The minideb container image is the base image for many Bitnami-maintained language runtimes including php, nodejs, ruby and infrastructure components including mariadb, redis, nginx and mongodb.


The image points to the Debian archive, so you are free to install the packages from there that you need. However, because some Essential packages have been removed they may not always install or work correctly.

In those cases, you can figure out which package is needed and manually specify to install it along with your desired packages. Please feel free to submit an issue request so that we can reach out and help you quickly.


Minideb is based on Debian and relies on their security updates. The images are built daily and have the security release enabled, so will contain any security updates released more than 24 hours ago.

Note that Debian does not fix every CVE that affects their packages, which means that CVE scanners may detect unfixed vulnerabilities in Minideb images. In those cases, you can check the Debian security tracker to see whether Debian intends to release an update to fix it.

To keep compatibility with Debian, we will not patch any vulnerabilities in Minideb directly. If Debian does not fix the CVE then it will also remain in Minideb. If you find a vulnerability that is fixed in Debian but not in the latest images of Minideb then please file an issue as that is not intentional.

On this page, you can find more information about the Bitnami policy regarding CVEs. In the same way, if you find a security issue with how the Minideb images are built or published then please report it to us.

Building Minideb

We provide a Makefile to help you build Minideb locally. It should be run on a Debian-based machine and requires sudo privileges.

$ sudo make

To build an individual release (bullseye or bookworm)

$ sudo make bookworm

To test the resulting image:

$ sudo make test-bookworm

Building Minideb for foreign architecture

Make commands shown above will build an image for the architecture you are currently working on. To build an image for a foreign architecture (for example to build a multi-arch image), we provide a simple script that runs a QEMU instance for the target architecture and builds the image inside it.

To build and test a bookworm image for arm64:

$ ./qemu_build bookworm arm64

The image will be then imported locally through the docker CLI with the $distribution-$architecture tag (example: bitnami/minideb:bookworm-arm64)

Current limitations of the qemu_build script:


We'd love for you to contribute to this image. You can request new features by creating an issue, or submit a pull request with your contribution.


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