


<img src="logo.png" width="15%" />

deprecated! grenache-nodejs-ws-tls is part of grenache-nodejs-ws now.

grenache-nodejs-ws with TLS support and optional payload validation based on client certificate.

Grenache is a micro-framework for connecting microservices. Its simple and optimized for performance.

Internally, Grenache uses Distributed Hash Tables (DHT, known from Bittorrent) for Peer to Peer connections. You can find more details how Grenche internally works at the Main Project Homepage.

Currently Supported



This RPC Server example announces a service called rpc_whitelist_service on the overlay network. When a client tries to connect, we check on the serverside if the certificate fingerprint matches the list of clients that we have whitelisted for connections, using the verifyClient callback.

In case of a matching fingerprint, we establish the Websocket connection.

The certificate data is also passed to the request handlers of the server. That allows us to further define permissions for each client.

The fingerprint allows us to verify that just certain clients are allowed to run a specific action. In the example the client is allowed to run the ping command, but is not allowed to execute the action deleteHarddisk.

Behind the scenes the DHT is asked for the IP of the server and then the request is done as Peer-to-Peer request via Websockets.


const Link = require('grenache-nodejs-link')

const link = new Link({
  grape: ''

// this function is testing the cert before the ws connection
// with the client is established.

function verifyClient (info, cb) {
  const cert = info.req.socket.getPeerCertificate()

  if (VALID_FINGERPRINTS.indexOf(cert.fingerprint) !== -1) {
    return cb(true)

  return cb(false, 401, 'Forbidden')

// bootstrap our server
const opts = {
  secure: {
    key: fs.readFileSync(path.join(__dirname, 'certs', 'server-key.pem')),
    cert: fs.readFileSync(path.join(__dirname, 'certs', 'server-crt.pem')),
    ca: fs.readFileSync(path.join(__dirname, 'certs', 'ca-crt.pem')),
    requestCert: true,
    rejectUnauthorized: false, // take care, can be dangerous in production!
    verifyClient: verifyClient
const peer = new PeerRPCServer(

const service = peer.transport('server')

setInterval(function () {
  link.announce('rpc_whitelist_service', service.port, {})
}, 1000)

// this function is used to whitelist certain actions based on
// the fingerprint after the tls ws connection has established
// nobody is allowed to delete the harddisk, but one client is
// allowed to perform the ping action
const permissions = {
  deleteHarddisk: [],
  ping: [

function isAllowedToPerformAction (action, fingerprint) {
  if (!permissions[action]) {
    return false

  if (permissions[action].indexOf(fingerprint) !== -1) {
    return true

  return false

// request handler which checks if the client is allowed to perform the
// current action. uses a whitelist and certificate fingerprints
service.on('request', (rid, key, payload, handler, cert) => {
  if (isAllowedToPerformAction(payload.action, cert.fingerprint)) {
    handler.reply(null, payload.action + ' action is allowed for this client')

  handler.reply(new Error('forbidden'))


const Link = require('grenache-nodejs-link')
const link = new Link({
  grape: ''


const secure = {
  key: fs.readFileSync(path.join(__dirname, 'certs', 'client1-key.pem')),
  cert: fs.readFileSync(path.join(__dirname, 'certs', 'client1-crt.pem')),
  ca: fs.readFileSync(path.join(__dirname, 'certs', 'ca-crt.pem')),
  rejectUnauthorized: false // take care, can be dangerous in production!

const peer = new PeerRPCClient(
  { secure: secure }


link.on('connect', () => {
  peer.request('rpc_whitelist_service', { action: 'ping' }, { timeout: 10000 }, (err, data) => {
    console.log(err, data) // logs: null 'ping action is allowed for this client'

  // errors with forbidden error
  peer.request('rpc_whitelist_service', { action: 'deleteHarddisk' }, { timeout: 10000 }, (err, data) => {
    console.log(err, data) // logs: Error: forbidden

Server Code <br/> Client Code


Class: PeerRPCServer

Event: 'request'

Emitted when a request from a RPC client is received.

service.on('request', (rid, key, payload, handler) => {
  handler.reply(null, 'world')

new PeerRPCServer(link, [options])

Creates a new instance of a PeerRPCServer, which connects to the DHT using the passed link.


Sets the peer active. Must get called before we get a transport to set up a server.


Must get called after the peer is active. Sets peer into server- mode.


Lets the PeerRPCServer listen on the desired port. The port is stored in the DHT.


Port of the server (set by listen(port)).

Class: PeerRPCClient

new PeerRPCClient(link, [options])

Creates a new instance of a PeerRPCClient, which connects to the DHT using the passed link.

A PeerRPCClient can communicate with multiple Servers and map work items over them. With maxActiveKeyDests you can limit the maximum amount of destinations. Additionally, you can limit the amount of transports with maxActiveDestTransports.


Sets the peer active. Must get called before we start to make requests.

peer.map(name, payload, [options], callback)

Maps a number of requests over the amount of registered workers / PeerRPCServers.


peer.request(name, payload, [options], callback)

Sends a single request to a RPC server/worker.
