

DeFi Scan

This is the official repository for DeFi Scan - a mobile blockchain explorer built with Dart/Flutter for searching, curating and storing details of cryptocurrency accounts.

License: Apache-2.0 Flutter CI

Get it on

<!-- [<img src="assets/screenshots/playstore_badge.png" width="250">](https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=dev.bisi.defiscan) -->

<img src="assets/screenshots/appstore_badge.png" width="250">

You can also try out a web demo on my flutter portfolio page DeFi Scan.

<!-- ## In App Preview -->

In App Screenshots

<img src="assets/screenshots/home.png" width="200"> <img src="assets/screenshots/details.png" width="200"> <img src="assets/screenshots/history.png" width="200"> <img src="assets/screenshots/settings.png" width="200">

Development - Mini Documentation



This project currently implements a Dev Feature-First File Structure. <br> Data Sources (DB) : Infura and MaticVigil Blockchain nodes


This repository utilizes Continuous Integration against all pushes made to the main branch. <br> All APKs can be found as artifacts in the GitHub Actions TAB. <br> CI / CD tool: Github Actions <br> Builds/Releases: APK artifacts

Development - Contribution

You can contribute by reporting bugs, suggesting improvements, and/or by helping out in code. UI/UX designers are always welcome. I always appreciate feedback, so share your thoughts and suggestions with me: mail@bisi.dev.

  1. Feel free to fork this repo and help out
  2. Make small, concise, and well documented commits.
  3. No idea where to start? Contact me and we can discuss appropriate tasks.

Getting Started

Check out Flutter's official guide to installing and running Flutter on your system.




This project is licensed under Apache-2.0 License. It means you're free to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell this project.

Thank You

Wow, Thank you for visiting this page. I appreciate the time you took to read through this. I would extra love if you could promote the app on social media or be kind enough to leave a star 🙏

Thanks a lot! 💪 Ayodeji Olabisi – bisi.dev