

Biscuit authentication and authorization token

Biscuit is an authorization token for microservices architectures with the following properties:

Non goals:


In this example we will see how we can create a token, add some checks, serialize and deserialize a token, append more checks, and validate those checks in the context of a request:

extern crate biscuit_auth as biscuit;

use biscuit::{KeyPair, Biscuit, error};

fn main() -> Result<(), error::Token> {
  // let's generate the root key pair. The root public key will be necessary
  // to verify the token
  let root = KeyPair::new();
  let public_key = root.public();

  // creating a first token
  let token1 = {
    // the first block of the token is the authority block. It contains global
    // information like which operation types are available
    let biscuit = biscuit!(r#"
          right("/a/file1.txt", "read");
          right("/a/file1.txt", "write");
          right("/a/file2.txt", "read");
          right("/b/file3.txt", "write");
    "#).build(&root)?; // the first block is signed

    println!("biscuit (authority): {}", biscuit);


  // this token is only 258 bytes, holding the authority data and the signature
  assert_eq!(token1.len(), 258);

  // now let's add some restrictions to this token
  // we want to limit access to `/a/file1.txt` and to read operations
  let token2 = {
    // the token is deserialized, the signature is verified
    let deser = Biscuit::from(&token1, root.public())?;

    // biscuits can be attenuated by appending checks
    let biscuit = deser.append(block!(r#"
      // checks are implemented as logic rules. If the rule produces something,
      // the check is successful
      // here we verify the presence of a `resource` fact with a path set to "/a/file1.txt"
      // and a read operation
      check if resource("/a/file1.txt"), operation("read");
    println!("biscuit (authority): {}", biscuit);


  // this new token fits in 400 bytes
  assert_eq!(token2.len(), 400);

  /************** VERIFICATION ****************/

  // let's deserialize the token:
  let biscuit2 = Biscuit::from(&token2, public_key)?;

  // let's define 3 verifiers (corresponding to 3 different requests):
  // - one for /a/file1.txt and a read operation
  // - one for /a/file1.txt and a write operation
  // - one for /a/file2.txt and a read operation

  let v1 = authorizer!(r#"
     // a verifier can come with allow/deny policies. While checks are all tested
     // and must all succeeed, allow/deny policies are tried one by one in order,
     // and we stop verification on the first that matches
     // here we will check that the token has the corresponding right
     allow if right("/a/file1.txt", "read");
     // explicit catch-all deny. here it is not necessary: if no policy
     // matches, a default deny applies
     deny if true;

  let mut v2 = authorizer!(r#"
     allow if right("/a/file1.txt", "write");
  let mut v3 = authorizer!(r#"
     allow if right("/a/file2.txt", "read");

  // the token restricts to read operations:
  // the second verifier requested a read operation
  // the third verifier requests /a/file2.txt




A Biscuit token is made with a list of blocks defining data and checks that must be validated upon reception with a request. Any failed check will invalidate the entire token.

If you hold a valid token, it is possible to add a new block to restrict further the token, like limiting access to one particular resource, or adding a short expiration date. This will generate a new, valid token. This can be done offline, without asking the original token creator.

On the other hand, if a block is modified or removed, the token will fail the cryptographic signature verification.


Biscuit tokens get inspiration from macaroons and JSON Web Tokens, reproducing useful features from both:

A logic language for authorization policies: Datalog

We rely on a modified version of Datalog, that can represent complex behaviours in a compact form, and add flexible constraints on data.

Here are examples of checks that can be implemented with that language:

Like Datalog, this language is based around facts and rules, but with some slight modifications:

A check rule requires the presence of one or more facts, and can have additional expressions on these facts. It is possible to create rules like these ones:

Symbols and symbol tables

To reduce the size of tokens, the format holds a symbol table containing strings. Any string is then serialized as an index into this table.

They can be used for pretty printing of a fact or rule. As an example, with a table containing ["resource", "operation", "read", "rule1", "file.txt"], we could have the following rule: #4 <- #0(#5) & #1(#2) that would be printed as rule1 <- resource("file.txt"), operation("read")

biscuit implementations come with a default symbol table to avoid transmitting frequent values with every token.

C bindings

This project can generate C bindings with cargo-c.

compile it with:

cargo cinstall --prefix=/usr --destdir=./build

Run C integration tests with:

cargo ctest


Licensed under Apache License, Version 2.0, (LICENSE-APACHE or http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0)


Unless you explicitly state otherwise, any contribution intentionally submitted for inclusion in the work by you, as defined in the Apache-2.0 license, shall be licensed as above, without any additional terms or conditions.