


Examples Repository

This is example code for BioImage Suite Web. It introduces certain JavaScript and Software Engineering Concepts.

To use (parts of) BioImage Suite Web as a library you can install it via npm

For node.js

npm install biswebnode

For browser/electron

npm install biswebbrowser

Learning JavaScript

These examples intoduce certains aspects of JavaScript but they are not a complete introduction to the language. For this the reader is referred to the two books by Axel Rauschmayer. The first, which covers JavaScript up to version 5 (standard usage until maybe 2016) , is Speaking JS by Axel Rauschmayer. Part I -- "A JavaScript QuickStart" may be all that you need to read to get started. JavaScript v6 (ES2015) is now fast becoming the new standard. A second book called Exploring ES6 by the same author covers some of the changes. I strongly recommend reading Chapters 1-4 for a clear understanding of all that is new here. Finally, we recommend this document from the BioImageSuite Web repository which highlights some aspects of the language that are particularly relevant to these examples.

Before you begin

Examples Of Using BioImage Suite Web as a library

The following two directories illustrate the use of the npm packages biswebnode and biswebbrowser.

A Complete Simple Application Example in 10 Steps

This set of examples shows how to create both the code and, more critically, the development/build environment for a multi-context (web, electron, PWA) application. The application itself is trivial -- it simply computes the BMI given height and weight information. The focus here is really on the software engineering infrastructure aspects of the problem.

This set of examples was developed in part also for the needs of the Yale Course Medical Software Design (BENG 406b, Spring 2019).

BioImage Suite Web (bisweb) is a web-based medical image analysis suite primarily geared towards Neuroimaging Analysis. We gratefully acknowledge support from the NIH Brain Initiative under grant R24 MH114805 (Papademetris X. and Scheinost D. PIs).