This repository contains the FastAPI app to provide a RESTful API for BioChatter. It is used in the BioChatter Next web application.
The app is available as a Docker image from Dockerhub. To run the server, you need to have Docker installed.
docker run -p 5001:5001 -d biocypher/biochatter-server
Local Build
You can also run the following code to build and start the server locally:
docker build -t biochatter-server .
docker run -p 5001:5001 -d biochatter-server
API docs
API docs are work in progress. Use swagger to explore the API by opening the
server's /docs
URI. For example, for localhost it will be:
We build the Docker image using the following command to account for ARM and AMD64 architectures:
docker buildx build --tag biocypher/biochatter-server:latest --tag biocypher/biochatter-server:<version> --platform linux/amd64,linux/arm64 --push .
The version on Dockerhub should match the version in the pyproject.toml