



Container recipes for building Interproscan (for Docker and Singularity).

Last software package versions of Interproscan include the whole data by default. For container performance and distribution, we don't keep Interproscan data directory.

It is important to ensure that program and data versions match and that this is adequately reflected in interproscan.properties or interproscan.open.properties files. Otherwise Interproscan is not likely to work.

Pregenerated images

Building from Docker recipes

# With privative software
docker build -t iprscan:5.56-89.0 -f Dockerfile .
sudo singularity build iprscan-5.56-89.0.sif docker-daemon://iprscan:5.56-89.0
# Without privative software
docker build -t iprscan-open:5.56-89.0 -f Dockerfile.open .
sudo singularity build iprscan-5.56-89.0.open.sif docker-daemon://iprscan-open:5.56-89.0

You can avoid using sudo with --fakeroot Singularity build option.


For running the container images, it is mandatory to mount a data directory that fits the same Interproscan version. Below some example commands:

# Docker
docker run --volume /path/to/data:/usr/local/interproscan/data --volume /path/to/scratch:/scratch -t biocorecrg/interproscan:5.56-89.0 /usr/local/interproscan/interproscan.sh -i /scratch/test.fa --goterms --iprlookup --pathways -o /scratch/out_interpro -f TSV

# Singularity
singularity exec -B /path/to/data:/usr/local/interproscan/data -e iprscan-5.56-89.0.open.sif /usr/local/interproscan/interproscan.sh -i /path/to/test2.fa --goterms --iprlookup --pathways -o /path/to/out_interpro -f TSV