

Dirac DevTools

GitHub license Clojars Project Travis Examples Chrome Extension

Dirac is a flavored Chrome DevTools with extra tweaks for ClojureScript developers.

DOC : Motivation | Installation | Configuration | Integration | Examples | FAQ

Quick start

  1. install the command-line tool
  2. run dirac and wait for Chrome to launch
  3. in Chrome navigate away from "chrome://welcome" to some normal page, e.g. https://clojurescript.org
  4. in Chrome open DevTools (CTRL+SHIFT+I or CMD+OPT+I on a Mac)
  5. in DevTools switch to Console => Dirac prompt should enter dirac.playground and let you type in cljs code
  6. in Console enter (js/console.log (str "Hello" \space "Dirac!"))


Dirac project maintains a set of patches rolling on top of official Chrome DevTools. That means you don't lose any functionality, you just sprinkle cljs enhancements on top. Additionally we provide a command-line tool which allows you to launch Chrome with Dirac swapped in place of normal DevTools.


ClojureScript REPL

<table> <tr> <td><a href="https://box.binaryage.com/dirac-general-completions.png"><img src="https://box.binaryage.com/dirac-general-completions.png" alt="general completions"></a></td> <td><a href="https://box.binaryage.com/dirac-ns-completions.png"><img src="https://box.binaryage.com/dirac-ns-completions.png" alt="namespace completions"></a></td> <td><a href="https://box.binaryage.com/dirac-js-completions.png"><img src="https://box.binaryage.com/dirac-js-completions.png" alt="js completions"></a></td> </tr> </table>