

#Binarly Query Command-line script to interact with the Binarly API. #Dependencies

  1. Binarly-SDK
  2. Colorama pip install colorama

#Configuration To use this script you need an API key from Binarly. Just register for free, activate your account and you will receive an API key in your inbox.

The API Key can either be passed to the script using --key option or can be saved in a file named apikey.txt in the same directory.

#Usage Binarly is binary search engine with extremely fast query times (measured in milliseconds) for arbitrary sequences of bytes over millions of clean and malicious binaries.

In order to take full advantage of Binarly, a few concepts have to be explained first.

Our implementation is based on indexing files with a 4-gram granularity. When searching for a pattern such as 01 02 03 04 05 06, the query is split into 4-grams that are looked up independently: 01 02 03 04, 02 03 04 05 and 03 04 05 06. Since the offsets of the 4-grams are not stored in the index, Binarly can potentially return files that contain all the 4-grams from the search pattern but not the pattern itself. We call such results "false positives".

Users can specify the --exact flag to enable actual validation of search results and filter out "false positives".

The binarly_query script provides an interface to the following services:


The most basic operation that we expose is searching for binary and string patterns using the following modifiers:

Search options:

Below is an example of searching for files that contain a combination of patterns, with default limit 20:


binarly_query.py search "0102FF0304FF" -a "Microsoft" -w "Kernel32"


Basic Search

Below is an example of an exact match with the same default limit of 20:


binarly_query.py search "eb 04 03 c0 85 d2 52 eb 05 8d 1a 8d 4a fb 52 8b" --exact


Exact Search

Best practice: try to use normal searches to reduce the number of matching files and, optionally,at the end use exact search to validate the results

IOC Generation

Binarly provides an API to automatically generate YARA rules that cover a specified set of files. The algorithm for selecting signature patterns has access to the entire universe of data indexed by the search engine, enabling it to identify the best signature candidate for a given file.

The following are true for all Binarly generated YARA rules:

The command sign accepts as input one of the following:

sign accepts the following switches:

Let's assume you want to sign a sample which has a certain SHA-1:

binarly_query.py sign ab9d4a010bb8d15c448a486f89ba2471b0e17d62

If successful, the signing process will generate a number of files:

rule auto_a50d5d0f_8fd1_4c61_a73c_8681bf05981f
        license = "Non-commercial use only"
        description = "Generated by Binarly (https://www.binar.ly)"
        label = "malware"
        allSampleCount = "6"

        // 0x4032e3 03 4d 8c	add	ecx, dword ptr [ebp - 0x74]
        // 0x4032e6 85 c9	test	ecx, ecx
        // 0x4032e8 74 09	je	0x4032f3
        // 0x4032ea 8b 55 ??	mov	edx, dword ptr [ebp - 0x74]
        $a = { 03 4d 8c 85 c9 74 09 8b 55 } 
        // 0x401611 8b 4d 8c	mov	ecx, dword ptr [ebp - 0x74]
        // 0x401614 03 4d d0	add	ecx, dword ptr [ebp - 0x30]
        // 0x401617 85 c9	test	ecx, ecx
        // 0x401619 74 ??	je	0x40162c
        $b = { 8b 4d 8c 03 4d d0 85 c9 74 } 
        // 0x402fa7 8b 55 8c	mov	edx, dword ptr [ebp - 0x74]
        // 0x402faa 03 55 8c	add	edx, dword ptr [ebp - 0x74]
        // 0x402fad 85 d2	test	edx, edx
        // 0x402faf 74 09	je	0x402fba
        // 0x402fb1 8b 45 ??	mov	eax, dword ptr [ebp - 0x74]
        $c = { 8b 55 8c 03 55 8c 85 d2 74 09 8b 45 } 

        all of them

The signer has many safeguards in place in order to avoid generation of rules on known clean containers such as packers/protectors/installers.

Example of sign attempt on a SmartInstaller installer file (referenced by SHA256):

SmartInstaller Request

#Sample Hunting With YARA Signatures While search functionality allows one to search for files that contain a certain combination of query terms, you can use the hunt command for more complex queries. The sample hunting functionality works straight out of the box with most YARA rules already written.

hunt returns a list of files that match a YARA rule specified as input.

Let's assume that you want to search for samples detected by the following rule:

rule SHIFU_Banking_Trojan {
		description = "Detects SHIFU Banking Trojan"
		author = "Florian Roth"
		reference = "http://goo.gl/52n8WE"
		date = "2015-10-31"
		score = 70
		$x1 = "\\Gather\\Dividerail.pdb" ascii

		$s0 = "\\payload\\payload.x86.pdb" ascii
		$s1 = "USER_PRIV_GUEST" fullword wide
		$s2 = "USER_PRIV_ADMIN" fullword wide
		$s3 = "USER_PRIV_USER" fullword wide
		$s4 = "PPSWVPP" fullword ascii
		$s5 = "WinSCard.dll" fullword ascii /* Goodware String - occured 83 times */
		uint16(0) == 0x5a4d and ($x1 or 5 of ($s*))


If the rule is contained in a file named shifu_banking_trojan.yar:

binarly_query.py hunt shifu_banking_trojan.yar




Current limitations:

#File classification One of the most useful and powerful features of Binarly is an API that classifies files as either clean or malicious based on an advanced Machine Learning model. The model is trained using millions of samples with over 500,000 Machine Learning features per file. It is frequently updated in order to take into account the latest threats.

The classify command accepts one of:

File classification is extremely fast because it relies on static file features.

Below is an example of classification done on all of the file in a directory:
