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jQuery.markdown.js | WYSIWYG Markdown Editor

Markdown is a jQuery plugin (written in CoffeeScript) released under the MIT License that brings a beautiful, lightweight and standards-compliant WYSIWYG editor to your website. You can find a demo by clicking here.

Some of the features it boasts:


It's incredibly easy to install. If you're cool, you can skip the first step (seriously!).

  1. Download jquery.markdown.js to desired local directory
  1. In your HTML document, include this in your header:
<link rel="stylesheet" href="css/jquery.markdown.css" type="text/css" />
  1. Insert this to where you want the editor
<div id="markdown-editor"></div>
  1. Then insert this in your footer.
<script type="text/javascript" src="css/jquery.markdown.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
  var instance = $("#markdown-editor").markdown({ editable: true });
  // instance is now the post-instance API.
  1. Your now successfully installed!


This plugin boasts a powerful, extensive API (in two forms: pre-and-post instance) for full control.

Pre-instance API

The settings you can load when initializing the .markdown() instance are:

Post-instance API

The functions you can call under "instance" or whatever your variable is (i.e. instance.development(true)) are:


This plugin was happily developed by Bilawal Hameed, a hacker and entrepreneur. I hated two editors for one piece of text, so I experimented with HTML5 to come up with this hack. Ideally, it should improve into one great piece of kit for websites who care about UI.

It's not ready for production yet. It doesn't support the complete John Gruber Markdown specification as of yet. It's a hack over a couple of hours, and I felt that it would improve faster by releasing it in the wild.

Play about with it & let me know what you think. Tweet me at @bilawalhameed if you're stuck.