


A super lightweight PHP library to create a job daemon off of. Ideal for queue consumers and usage in other types of producer/consumer architecture. It is robust, free of memory leaks, and can run forever (provided that the code extending from it are also free of memory leaks).

It has been used in several production environments ranging from small to medium sized traffic, proven to work well to process millions of queue entries a day.



Grab a copy of the repository and move JobDaemon.php into your project and place it wherever you want, and include/require the file.

Using Composer

If you need to, install composer.

Create a composer.json file in your project root, or add JobDaemon to it if you have an existing one.

    "require": {
        "php-job-daemon/php-job-daemon": "dev-master"

Install via composer by running this in your project root:

$ composer install