


Hematite is a theme for Zsh. It is based upon the following tenets:

  1. Information should only be displayed if it is useful - This is at my discretion, but each piece of information is explained as to why it is useful, and only displayed when it is relevant.
  2. It should be easy to visually search the terminal history - This is accomplished via discrete and intentional styling, explained as part of this document.
  3. The theme should not have a noticeable impact on performance - The run-time performance of the theme is analyzed as part of this document.


Elements of the Theme

ElementWhy Show It?StylePerformance
usernameKnow which user I am, for when I'm a dude playing a dude pretending to be another dude. So I don't do something crazy.less prominentO(1)
current directoryI need to know where I am, and where I was.prominentO(1)
exit statusI want an obvious indicator if something fails.Red, the color of errors.O(1)
git infoIf I'm on a branch I want to know it.less prominentO(n)


oh my zsh

git clone --depth=1 https://github.com/bigdave/hematite.git ${ZSH_CUSTOM:-$HOME/.oh-my-zsh/custom}/themes/hematite