

Role-wise Data Augmentation for Knowledge Distillation

Table of Contents

  1. Getting Started
  2. Reproduce Results
  3. Run Evaluation
  4. Reference Code

Getting Started

Code supports Python 2.7 and will later support Python 3.6.

Install requirements

pip install -r requirements.txt 

Download CIFAR-10/CIFAR-100 datasets

bash datasets/cifar10.sh
bash datasets/cifar100.sh

Reproduce Results

Scripts to reproduce results are located in scripts/. Currently, we only release an example for the inference stage ResNet18 with cifar100 using 2-bit weights and activations. And we will release the training codes when the paper is published. To reproduce the example result:

bash scripts/cifar_KD_eval.sh ${gpu_id} ResNet18 cifar100 MHGD-RKD-SVD 2 adam 0.4

The result will be shown at


Reference Code


Author = {Jie Fu and Xue Geng and Zhijian Duan and Bohan Zhuang and Xingdi Yuan and Adam Trischler and Jie Lin and Chris Pal and Hao Dong},
Title = {Role-Wise Data Augmentation for Knowledge Distillation},
Year = {2020},
Eprint = {arXiv:2004.08861},