Tensor-based RL Baseline Agent for CivRealm
This code base includes the tensor-based baseline agent for CivRealm. More documentation about the environment can be found here.
Install civrealm
from the official CivRealm repo.
Quick Start
First install
cd freeciv-tensor-baseline
pip install -e .
then run the training script
cd examples
./ # or python
Edit freeciv-tensor-baseline/civtensor/configs/envs_cfgs/freeciv_tensor_env.yaml
Change task_name
to fullgame
task_name: fullgame
Run all minitasks
freeciv-tensor-baseline/examples/ will run all minitasks specified in examples/run_configs
including $12\text{ types}\times 3\text{ levels} = 36 \text{ runs}
cd exmaples
python --webdir $civrealm-dir
where $civrealm-dir
should specify the path of your local civrealm repo.
Expreiment results are in
To view your results on tensorboard, alter the following script to match your path structure and run
cd examples/results/freeciv_tensor_env/$game_type/ppo/installtest/seed-XXXXXXXXX
# where $game_type = fullgame or minitask
tensorboard logs/
then the results should be visible in the browser.
Single Run
Edit freeciv-tensor-baseline/civtensor/configs/envs_cfgs/freeciv_tensor_env.yaml
Change task_name
to random_minitask
or any task name in the list of MinitaskType.list()
# copied from
MT_DEVELOPMENT_BUILD_CITY = "development_build_city"
MT_DEVELOPMENT_CITYTILE_WONDER = "development_citytile_wonder"
MT_BATTLE_ANCIENT = "battle_ancient_era"
MT_BATTLE_INDUSTRY = "battle_industry_era"
MT_BATTLE_INFO = "battle_info_era"
MT_BATTLE_MEDIEVAL = "battle_medieval"
MT_BATTLE_MODERN = "battle_modern_era"
MT_BATTLE_NAVAL_MODERN = "battle_naval_modern"
MT_BATTLE_NAVAL = "battle_naval"
MT_BATTLE_ATTACK_CITY = "battle_attack_city"
MT_BATTLE_DEFEND_CITY = "battle_defend_city"
MT_DIPLOMACY_TRADE_TECH = "diplomacy_trade_tech"
task_name: development_build_city # or random_minitask to randomly sample a minitask
You may optionally specify difficulty level and ids for minitask.
task_name: development_build_city easy 100 # type level id
# unspecified fields would be randomly sampled
Training parameters could be adjusted in freeciv-tensor-baseline/civtensor/configs/algos_cfgs/ppo.yaml
For training minitask tensor baseline, we used the following default setting:
# whether to use the specified seed
seed_specify: False
# seed
seed: None
# number of parallel environments for training data collection
n_rollout_threads: 8
# number of total training steps
num_env_steps: 20000
# number of steps per environment per training data collection
episode_length: 125
# logging interval
log_interval: 1