

Guarantees for Greedy Maximization of Non-submodular Functions

This repository collects source code for the paper:

"Guarantees for Greedy Maximization of Non-submodular Functions with Applications."

ICML 2017. A. Bian, J. Buhmann, A. Krause and S. Tschiatschek.


File Structure:

The subfolders contain source files for the experiments:

The subfolder "utilities" contains the utility functions.

One can refer to the README file in each subfolder to run the experiments and tune the setup parameters.



Copyright (2017) [Yatao (An) Bian | ETH Zurich]

Please cite the above paper if you are using this code in your work.

The code may be used free of charge for non-commercial and educational purposes, the only requirement is that this text is preserved within the derivative work. For any other purpose one must contact the authors for permission.