

License: GPL v3


EternalBlue suite remade in C/C++ which includes:

Project goals


The EternalBlue / MS17-010 Exploit that will be included in this project installs DoublePulsar only<br /> It does not run any custom payloads at this time.

As of now, it doesn't contain any other payloads besides installing the DoublePulsar implant.

EternalBlue Suite




These values from Recvbuff[18] -> Recvbuff[22] are then ran through the DoublePulsar XOR key calculator function, which generates a XOR key (unsigned integer) that can be used to encrypt the shellcode or DLL payload that will be uploaded to DoublePulsar. Tested on Windows 7 x64 bit.

Sample screenshot:


Same key from the original NSA binary in FUZZBUNCH XORCalculatorFromNSAbinary

TODO: Will ALSO implement the Doublepulsar_UploadDLL.cpp program to use TRANSACTION2 SMB structure.

Shellcode generated from: https://github.com/rapid7/metasploit-framework/blob/master/external/source/shellcode/windows/multi_arch_kernel_queue_apc.asm https://raw.githubusercontent.com/ninp0/eternalblue/master/eternalblue_kshellcode_x64.asm https://raw.githubusercontent.com/ninp0/eternalblue/master/eternalblue_kshellcode_x86.asm

TODO: Will ALSO implement the Doublepulsar_UploadShellcode.cpp program to use TRANSACTION2 SMB structure.

Metasploit module

Metasploit module that I made functional using the open source DoublePulsar RCE module from Metasploit.

I changed the logic to allow a DLL to be generated, merge it with the x64 kernel shellcode (prepended) that I stole from Wannacry, to allow DoublePulsar to run the DLL.


Part 2: I changed the logic to allow an executable metasploit payload to be generated, merge it with the x64 kernel shellcode (prepended) that I stole from Wannacry, and stole the Wannacry launcher DLL to allow DoublePulsar to run the launcher DLL.

Extra education code

Repository also contains the following for educational purposes and are NOT supported by me: