


Docsify is a magical documentation site generator - https://docsify.js.org. Docsify converts markdown files to static SEO friendly html pages.

This project demonstrates how we can add docisfy in a ASP.NET Core 3.0 application and serve documentation site.


Visual Studio 2019 / VS Code ASP.NET Core 3.0 SDK

How to run?

Just open Visual studio and run project, documentation site will be up and running.

How to host?

You can host this site any where in Linux/Windows/Azure/AWS server wherever ASP.NET Core runs.

How to add documentation

Open this folder wwwroot and add your documentation files in .md(markdown) format. https://github.com/bharatdwarkani/docsify-dotnet-core/tree/develop/src/DocsWebSite/wwwroot/docs
_sidebar.md file contains the master index of your navigation menu.


Docs Site

How to customize

You can customize layout of your site by altering this file https://github.com/bharatdwarkani/docsify-dotnet-core/blob/develop/src/DocsWebSite/Views/Home/Index.cshtml
You can find more documentation on customization here - https://docsify.js.org/#/configuration
You can also directly link your docs from git repo - check out this guide - https://docsify.js.org/#/configuration?id=repo