


What is Mask.js about?

Mask.js is a simple functionality that you can use to force user met a pattern into inputs


Mask.js works on most jQuery versions.

Main Features

<ul> <li> Accepts any pattern order you would like to use </li> <li> In case of dates, it will validates days out of range, and even leap years </li> <li> You can use a custom function to handle the non validating inputs </li> <li> It will write down any token automatically while you are typing. </li> <li> In erasing, tokens will be omitted, and while you are re-typing, them are going to ve pass over </li> </ul>

How can I use Mask.js?

There are just a few steps:

  1. You have to import mark.js into your project

  2. Once imported, just pass the next parameter with you desired configuration:

    var options = {
      $el: jQuery input,
      mask: pattern to apply(described in the next section),
      errorFunction: callback function triggered on every error,
      defaultValue: defaultValue to be shown on initialization(applies on date format),
      hidePlaceholder: boolean for not showing the pattern placeholder,
      isUtc: if the pattern is a date format, utc will be considered
  3. Pattern is the mask you want to apply over the input. It can be one of the following:

<ul> <li>Any combination of YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm, where: <ul> <li> Y means year </li> <li> M means month </li> <li> D means day </li> <li> H means hour </li> <li> m means minutes </li> </ul> </li> <li>n for typing only numbers</li> <li>az for typing only characters</li> <li>az/n for typing both characters and numbers</li> </ul>
  1. Additionaly you can add a number after n or az to limit the maximun characters users can write

Try it out

You can play around with it here: http://bguzmanrio.github.io/maskjs