


Data Set on Chilean Ministers (1990-2014)

Version Project Status: Inactive – The project has reached a stable, usable state but is no longer being actively developed; support/maintenance will be provided as time allows. DOI License License License R Latex tDL


This repository contains a data set on Chilean ministers between 1990 and 2014 in Comma-Separated Values CSV format with Unicode encoding UTF-8. The data collection was carried out based on official sources such as archives of Congress and ministries, the National Library, and press archives. Part of this data set has been used in the following articles and book chapter:

Download the BibTeX, which includes the bibliographical data of this repository.

Metadata and Preservation

This data set is stored with version control on a GitHub repository. Furthermore, a Digital Object Identifier is provided by Zenodo. The structure of the repository is detailed below.

|-- .gitignore
|-- chilean-ministers.Rproj
|-- CITATION.cff
|-- README.md
|-- STATUS.md
|-- code
    |-- eda_ministers.R
|-- data
    |-- tidy
        |-- Chilean_cabinets_1990_2014.csv
|-- demo
    |-- eda_ministers.md
    |-- eda_ministers.Rmd
    |-- eda_ministers_files
        |-- figure-gfm
            |-- plot1-1.png
            |-- plot2-1.png
            |-- plot2-2.png
            |-- plot3-1.png
            |-- plot4-1.png
|-- docs
    |-- codebook_ministers.pdf
    |-- codebook_ministers.synctex.gz
    |-- codebook_ministers.tex
|-- refs
    |-- BIB-Ministers.bib

8 directories and 23 files.

In addition, this README file in Markdown MD format provides specific information to ensure the reusability of the data.

Storage and Backup

The GitHub repository has controlled access with Two-Factor Authentication 2FA with two physical USB security devices (Bastián González-Bustamante, ORCID iD 0000-0003-1510-6820) and a mobile application (Alejandro Olivares, ORCID iD 0000-0001-6934-2437). USB devices and the mobile application issue one-time passwords to generate a cryptographic authentication FIDO2 and U2F.

Moreover, the repository is backed up on Hierarchical File Server HFS for recovery in case of incidents. This backup is located on the University of Oxford hub connected to Code42 Cloud Backup encrypted with 256-bit AES. The backup is performed with every change on GitHub and receives weekly light maintenance and a deep one every month. This backup will be secured until May 2024. An extension of this period will be evaluated on budget availability.

Getting Started


We used R v4.1.0 -- Camp Pontanezen and the following packages: DataExplorer v0.8.2, knitr v1.37, rmarkdown v2.11, and tidyverse v1.3.1.

We recommend that users import the data directly using the code below or, if they wish, run exploratory data analysis code from the root directory using the R project chilean-ministers.Rproj.

Import Data

R Code

## GitHub Repository
github_1 <- "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/"
github_2 <- "bgonzalezbustamante/chilean-ministers/main/data/tidy/"

## Chilean Ministers Data
chilean_ministers <- read.csv(paste(github_1, github_2, "Chilean_cabinets_1990_2014.csv", sep = ""),
                              header = T, sep = ",", encoding = "UTF-8")

Python Code

import pandas as pd

## GitHub Repository
github_1 = "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/"
github_2 = "bgonzalezbustamante/chilean-ministers/main/data/tidy/"

## Chilean Ministers Data
url = github_1 + github_2 + "Chilean_cabinets_1990_2014.csv"
df = pd.read_csv(url, index_col=0)

Replication Instructions

Folder code contains the exploratory data analysis in R format.

Folder demo contains the exploratory data analysis in RMD and MD formats: eda_ministers.md.

The files will be overwritten if you run the R script contained in eda_ministers.Rmd.


The file Chilean_cabinets_1990_2014.csv in data/tidy subfolder is the data set on Chilean ministers between 1990 and 2014. This set contains 232 observations.1 The codebook is also available in PDF.

A number of other variables can be calculated with aggregate data from different sources considering the appointment dates and departure of officeholders. In addition, data from González-Bustamante and Olivares (2022)4 can be used to compare and obtain some variables from undersecretaries.


The content of this project itself is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International license (CC BY 4.0), and the underlying code used to format and display that content is licensed under an MIT license. In particular, the codebook has been compiled with XeLaTeX using a code under an LPPL v1.3c license.

The above implies that both data set and underlying code may be shared, reused, and adapted as long as appropriate acknowledgement is given.


Contributions are entirely welcome. You just need to open an issue with your comment or idea.

For more substantial contributions, please fork this repository and make changes. Pull requests are also welcome.

Please read our code of conduct first. Minor contributions will be acknowledged, and significant ones will be considered on our contributor roles taxonomy.


González-Bustamante, B., & Olivares, A. (2023). Data Set on Chilean Ministers (1990-2014) (Version 3.3.7 -- Soft Dew) [Data set]. University of Oxford, Universidad de Santiago de Chile (USACH), Universidad Mayor and Training Data Lab. DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.5744536.


Bastián González-Bustamante
ORCID iD 0000-0003-1510-6820

Alejandro Olivares
ORCID iD 0000-0001-6934-2437

CRediT - Contributor Roles Taxonomy

Bastián González-Bustamante (ORCID iD 0000-0003-1510-6820): Conceptualisation, data curation, formal analysis, funding acquisition, methodology, project administration, resources, software, validation, and visualisation.

Alejandro Olivares (ORCID iD 0000-0001-6934-2437): Conceptualisation, funding acquisition, investigation, methodology, resources, and validation.

Latest Revision

March 5, 2023.


  1. The latest release that incorporated changes in the data set is v2.3.0 -- Bold Fog.

  2. In v2.3.0 -- Bold Fog, we have corrected the sex of one misclassified observation of the Ricardo Lagos government. This implies a slight drop in the presence of women in the cabinet from 24.53% to 22.64% and subtle differences in coefficients of the models in some of our previous publications.

  3. The labels SEGEGOB, SEGPRES, and SERNAM correspond to the following ministries: Secretaría General de Gobierno, Secretaría General de la Presidencia, and Servicio Nacional de la Mujer. In addition, CORFO is an acronym for Corporación de Fomento de la Producción.

  4. González-Bustamante, B., & Olivares, A. (2023). Data Set on Chilean Undersecretaries (1990-2022) (Version 2.1.4 -- Wandering Grass) [Data set]. University of Oxford, Universidad de Santiago de Chile (USACH), Universidad Mayor and Training Data Lab. DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.5715384.