


The killring-alike plugin with no default mappings.

Works in neovim, as well as vim with lua enabled and patch 8.0.1394.


Yanks and deletes will be detected using TextYankPost autocommand, so no mappings for these actions are needed. The yank history is shared between [n]vim instances.

There is two different mappings for starting to put from the history. To remap p, "autoput" mapping should be used. This will first put the same text as unmapped "p" would have, and still support "xp and clipboard=unnamed[plus]:

map p <Plug>(miniyank-autoput)
map P <Plug>(miniyank-autoPut)

"startput" will directly put the most recent item in the shared history:

map <leader>p <Plug>(miniyank-startput)
map <leader>P <Plug>(miniyank-startPut)

Right after a put, use "cycle" to go through history:

map <leader>n <Plug>(miniyank-cycle)

Stepped too far? You can cycle back to more recent items using:

map <leader>N <Plug>(miniyank-cycleback)

Maybe the register type was wrong? Well, you can change it after putting:

map <Leader>c <Plug>(miniyank-tochar)
map <Leader>l <Plug>(miniyank-toline)
map <Leader>b <Plug>(miniyank-toblock)

clipboard=unnamed register type fixing

Currently neovim doesn't have support for register types in the clipboard. This makes blockwise yanking and putting broken when clipboard=unnamed or unnamedplus is used. When this option is set, and "p" is mapped to "autoput" mappings as suggested above, this plugin will try to correct the register type when an unnamed paste is done. It uses heuristics that at least will work if you yank blockwise and then immediately paste unnamed in the same or another nvim instance.

Of course, regardless if clipboard=unnamed is set or not, you can always do the correct paste using a "startPut" mapping, or cycling one step back in history when needed.

Throttling of big unnamed deletes

The plugin tries to avoid unnecessary copying on unnamed deletes (d or c with no preceeding "x). Unnamed deletes with more than g:miniyank_delete_maxlines (default 1000) will be ignored. To force yanking, just add a register name, like ""d or "*d.

Denite source

If Denite is installed, the yank history can be displayed using :Denite miniyank


Does it work in vim 8?

Yes, if lua is enabled and with vim 8.1 or later. (Lua is not really intrinsically needed. One day I might implement the small necessary subset of msgpack directly in vimL.)

It doesn't work!

This plugin tries to autodetect a suitable file path for the shared yankring. $XDG_RUNTIME_DIR is used if set, otherwise stdpath('cache') will be used. Check that g:miniyank_filename was set to a location that is both readable and writeable by your user account. If not, either fix your environment, or override it manually:

let g:miniyank_filename = $HOME."/.miniyank.mpack"

Is python3 required?

Python is only required for the optional Denite source. The rest of the plugin is pure vimscript.

10 items? That is not close to be enough!

How about

let g:miniyank_maxitems = 100

It doesn't persist across reboots!

Sigh, just why? Okay, do

let g:miniyank_filename = $HOME."/.miniyank.mpack"