

netstr - a nostr relay

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Netstr is a modern relay for the nostr protocol written in C#.


NIPs with a relay-specific implementation are listed here.


Each supported NIP has a set of tests written in Specflow / Gherkin language. The scenarios are described in plain English which lets anyone read them and even contribute with new ones without any programming skills. See sample (simplified):

Scenario: Newly subscribed client receives matching events, EOSE and future events
    Given a relay is running
    And Alice is connected to relay
    And Bob is connected to relay
    When Bob publishes events
    | Id                                                               | Content  | Kind  | CreatedAt  |
    | a6d166e834e78827af0770f31f15b13a772f281ad880f43ce12c24d4e3d0e346 | Hello 1  | 1     | 1722337838 |
    | cb952d0ab727c3fcaf94e6809a64d1a27ff87cae5be583398ee7f0f1381d6b66 | Hello MD | 30023 | 1722337839 |
    And Alice sends a subscription request abcd
    | Kinds |
    | 1     |
    And Bob publishes an event
    | Id                                                               | Content | Kind | CreatedAt  |
    | 8013e4630a69528007355f65e01936c9b761a4bbd9340b60a4bd0222b15b7cf3 | Hello 2 | 1    | 1722337840 |
    Then Alice receives messages
    | Type  | Id   | EventId                                                          |
    | EVENT | abcd | a6d166e834e78827af0770f31f15b13a772f281ad880f43ce12c24d4e3d0e346 |
    | EOSE  | abcd |                                                                  |
    | EVENT | abcd | 8013e4630a69528007355f65e01936c9b761a4bbd9340b60a4bd0222b15b7cf3 |
    And Bob receives messages
    | Type | Id                                                               | Success | 
    | OK   | a6d166e834e78827af0770f31f15b13a772f281ad880f43ce12c24d4e3d0e346 | true    |
    | OK   | cb952d0ab727c3fcaf94e6809a64d1a27ff87cae5be583398ee7f0f1381d6b66 | true    |
    | OK   | 8013e4630a69528007355f65e01936c9b761a4bbd9340b60a4bd0222b15b7cf3 | true    |

Above scenario simulates that Bob publishes events to a relay, Alice creates a subscription and Bob publishes more events. The scenario then asserts that Alice and Bob both received their expected messages in correct order.


Netstr is c# app backed by a Postgres database. You have several options to get up and running:

Dotnet run

Docker run

Docker compose

Docker compose contains a Postgres DB service so no need to install it manually. You will however need to set the following environment variable:

Optionally you can also set following variables:

Deploying to Azure

The scripts folder contains scripts to setup a VM in Azure with everything you'll need to run a Netstr instance: