<h1 align="center" id="title">EOS Integration Kit V4</h1> <p align="center"><img src="" alt="project-image" width="600" height="338/"></p> <p id="description">EIK (Epic Online Services Integration Kit) is a plugin that enables seamless integration between Epic Online Services (EOS) and Unreal Engine. The plugin provides access to the EOS SDK (Software Development Kit) within Unreal Engine allowing developers to easily implement features such as matchmaking achievements leaderboards and more.</p> <h2>🚀 Setup Information</h2> <h2>Project Screenshots:</h2><img src="" alt="project-screenshot" width="450" height="253/"> <img src="" alt="project-screenshot" width="450" height="253/">
<img src="" alt="project-screenshot" width="450" height="253/"> <img src="" alt="project-screenshot" width="450" height="253/">
<h2>🧐 Features</h2>Here're some of the project's best features:
- Login and Signup
- Lobbies and Matchmaking Sessions
- Anti-Cheat supported (Client-Server Model)
- Basic Host Migration
- Friends & Social (Invites Overlay)
- Save File Management
- Web APIs
- Title Storage
- Player Storage
- Player Stats
- Leaderboards
- Presence
- Voice Chat [ EOS Voice Integration Kit included with Positional Voice Chat]
- Android And Quest now supported natively.
- Easy for beginners.
Please check the docs for updated Installation Steps
<h2>🍰 Contribution Guidelines:</h2>Being a open-source project it's important for the people to contribute to the plugin. The only guideline is to include all headers because 5.3 has a lot of issues with headers xD
<h2>💻 Built with</h2>Technologies used in the project:
- Unreal Engine
- C++
This project is licensed under the MIT License
<h2>💖Like our work?</h2>Consider supporting us at Patreon Hire us at