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Hyperpwn is a Hyper plugin to improve the display when debugging with GDB.

Hyperpwn needs GEF, pwndbg or peda to be loaded in GDB as a backend. Hyperpwn handles with its context data, seperates them to different windows to get a clearer display and can easily replay previous states.

Hyperpwn can be used on Windows, Linux and macOS.


Firstly, you need to install the latest release of Hyper on your computer.

Hyperpwn relies on hyperinator. You need to install both hyperinator and hyperpwn plugins to use hyperpwn.

You can install them by command line:

$ hyper i hyperinator
$ hyper i hyperpwn

Or edit ~/.hyper.js manually and add them to plugins:

plugins: [
  "hyperinator", "hyperpwn"


Just run gdb in Hyper terminal.

If the backend is loaded, hyperpwn will automatically create a config file in ~/.hyperinator, load it and handle with the context data.

You can edit the config file to change the layout and parts to display.



Default configuration:

module.exports = {
  config: {
    // other configs...
    hyperpwn: {
      hotkeys: {
        prev: 'ctrl+shift+pageup',
        next: 'ctrl+shift+pagedown',
        cmd: {
          stepi: 'f7',
          nexti: 'f8'
      autoClean: false,
      autoLayout: true,
      showHeaders: true,
      headerStyle: {
        position: 'absolute',
        top: 0,
        right: 0,
        fontSize: '10px'
