

#OCaml Node JSONFile

WARNING: This binding is partial.

What is ocaml-node-jsonfile?

ocaml-node-jsonfile is a binding to the node module jsonfile. It will let you use its functions directly in ocaml

How to install?

You need to switch to OCaml >= 4.03.0 (due to gen_js_api):

opam switch 4.03.0

First, you need to install ocaml-node if you haven't already installed it

To install this package use the command:

opam pin add ocaml-node-jsonfile https://github.com/besport/ocaml-node-jsonfile.git

How to use?

Here is an example:

Javascript code:

var jsonfile = require("jsonfile");
var obj = {name: "OCaml"};
jsonfile.writeFileSync("file.json", obj);

Equivalent in OCaml using gen_js_api (for Ojs.t type):

let jsonfile = Node.require "jsonfile" in
let obj = Ojs.empty () in
let () = Ojs.set obj "name" (Ojs.string_to_js "OCaml") in
Node_jsonfile.write_file_sync jsonfile "file.json" obj

What about the full documentation?

You can find the full documentation of jsonfile on the github repo: https://github.com/jprichardson/node-jsonfile