

The Lovász-Softmax loss: A tractable surrogate for the optimization of the intersection-over-union measure in neural networks

<img src="https://cdn.rawgit.com/bermanmaxim/bermanmaxim.github.io/5edecd41/single_LSimage.jpg" height="180">

Maxim Berman, Amal Rannen Triki, Matthew B. Blaschko

ESAT-PSI, KU Leuven, Belgium.

Published in CVPR 2018. See project page, arxiv paper, paper on CVF open access.

PyTorch implementation of the loss layer (pytorch folder)

Files included:

The binary lovasz_hinge expects real-valued scores (positive scores correspond to foreground pixels).

The multiclass lovasz_softmax expect class probabilities (the maximum scoring category is predicted). First use a Softmax layer on the unnormalized scores.

TensorFlow implementation of the loss layer (tensorflow folder)

Files included:

Warning: the losses values and gradients have been tested to be the same as in PyTorch (see notebooks), however we have not used the TF implementation in a training setting.


See the demos for simple proofs of principle.


The loss can be optimized on its own, but the optimal optimization hyperparameters (learning rates, momentum) might be different from the best ones for cross-entropy. As discussed in the paper, optimizing the dataset-mIoU (Pascal VOC measure) is dependent on the batch size and number of classes. Therefore you might have best results by optimizing with cross-entropy first and finetuning with our loss, or by combining the two losses.

See for example how the work Land Cover Classification From Satellite Imagery With U-Net and Lovasz-Softmax Loss by Alexander Rakhlin et al. used our loss in the CVPR 18 DeepGlobe challenge.

Compiling from Tensorflow master (or using a future distribution that includes commit tensorflow/tensorflow@73e3215) should solve this problem; see issue #6.


Please cite

  title={The Lov{\'a}sz-Softmax loss: A tractable surrogate for the optimization of the intersection-over-union measure in neural networks},
  author={Berman, Maxim and Rannen Triki, Amal and Blaschko, Matthew B},
  booktitle={Proceedings of the IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition},