Data of the ERA Register of Railway Infrastructure
F# program to access the ERA (EU Agency for Railways) Register of Infrastructure database and the ERA knowledge graph.
- RInf Register of Railway Infrastructure
- API to the the RINF database
- ERA vocabulary
- ERA knowledge graph.
- Linked data in the knowledge graph: Berlin Hauptbahnhof.
The rinf-graph JavaScript package contains the RInfGraph JavaScript code and the EraKGLoader executable to load data from the knowledge graph (build-package).
Installation in JavaScript project:
- install dotnet
- install rinf-graph package
- execute ./node_modules/rinf-graph/bin/EraKGLoader <countries>
- ERAKGApi: API for the knowledge graph.
- ERAKGLoader: loads the data via the knowledge graph.
- RInfQuery: query cached data.
- RInfGraph: finds shortest path between operational points
- OSMComparison: compares RInf data with OSM data.